mod common; use std::sync::{LazyLock, Mutex}; use common::ReturnOp; use expect_test::expect; use pliron::derive::{ attr_interface, attr_interface_impl, def_attribute, def_op, def_type, derive_op_interface_impl, op_interface, op_interface_impl, type_interface, type_interface_impl, }; use pliron::{ attribute::Attribute, builtin::{ attr_interfaces::TypedAttrInterface, attributes::{IntegerAttr, StringAttr}, op_interfaces::{OneResultInterface, OneResultVerifyErr}, ops::ModuleOp, types::{IntegerType, UnitType}, }, common_traits::Verify, context::{Context, Ptr}, identifier::Identifier, impl_canonical_syntax, impl_verify_succ, location::Location, op::{op_cast, Op, OpObj}, operation::Operation, parsable::{Parsable, ParseResult, StateStream}, printable::{self, Printable}, r#type::{Type, TypeObj}, result::{Error, ErrorKind, Result}, utils::trait_cast::any_to_trait, }; use crate::common::{const_ret_in_mod, setup_context_dialects}; #[def_op("test.zero_result")] struct ZeroResultOp {} // This is setup to fail. #[op_interface_impl] impl OneResultInterface for ZeroResultOp {} impl Printable for ZeroResultOp { fn fmt( &self, _ctx: &Context, _state: &printable::State, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>, ) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "zero_results",) } } impl_verify_succ!(ZeroResultOp); impl Parsable for ZeroResultOp { type Arg = Vec<(Identifier, Location)>; type Parsed = OpObj; fn parse<'a>( _state_stream: &mut StateStream<'a>, _arg: Self::Arg, ) -> ParseResult<'a, Self::Parsed> { unimplemented!() } } impl ZeroResultOp { fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> ZeroResultOp { let op = Operation::new(ctx, Self::get_opid_static(), vec![], vec![], vec![], 1); *Operation::get_op(op, ctx).downcast_ref().unwrap() } } // A simple test to trigger an interface verification error. #[test] fn check_intrf_verfiy_errs() { let ctx = &mut setup_context_dialects(); ZeroResultOp::register(ctx, ZeroResultOp::parser_fn); let zero_res_op = ZeroResultOp::new(ctx).get_operation(); let (module_op, _, _, ret_op) = const_ret_in_mod(ctx).unwrap(); zero_res_op.insert_before(ctx, ret_op.get_operation()); assert!(matches!( module_op.get_operation().verify(ctx), Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::VerificationFailed, err, .. }) if )) } static TEST_OP_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT: LazyLock> = LazyLock::new(|| Mutex::new("".into())); #[op_interface] trait TestOpInterfaceX { fn verify(_op: &dyn Op, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized, { Ok(()) } } #[op_interface_impl] impl TestOpInterfaceX for ReturnOp {} #[op_interface_impl] impl TestOpInterfaceX for ModuleOp {} #[op_interface] trait TestOpInterface { fn verify(_op: &dyn Op, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized, { *TEST_OP_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT.lock().unwrap() += "TestOpInterface verified\n"; Ok(()) } } #[op_interface] trait TestOpInterface2: TestOpInterface { fn verify(_op: &dyn Op, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized, { *TEST_OP_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT.lock().unwrap() += "TestOpInterface2 verified\n"; Ok(()) } } #[def_op("test.verify_intr_op")] #[derive_op_interface_impl(TestOpInterface, TestOpInterface2)] struct VerifyIntrOp {} impl_canonical_syntax!(VerifyIntrOp); impl_verify_succ!(VerifyIntrOp); impl VerifyIntrOp { fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> VerifyIntrOp { let op = Operation::new(ctx, Self::get_opid_static(), vec![], vec![], vec![], 1); *Operation::get_op(op, ctx).downcast_ref().unwrap() } } #[test] fn test_op_intr_verify_order() -> Result<()> { let ctx = &mut setup_context_dialects(); VerifyIntrOp::register(ctx, VerifyIntrOp::parser_fn); let vio = VerifyIntrOp::new(ctx); vio.get_operation().deref(ctx).verify(ctx)?; expect![[r#" TestOpInterface verified TestOpInterface2 verified "#]] .assert_eq(&TEST_OP_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT.lock().unwrap()); // Ad-hoc op interface conversions test. let x = op_cast::(&vio).unwrap(); any_to_trait::(x.as_any()).unwrap(); Ok(()) } #[attr_interface] trait TestAttrInterfaceX { fn verify(_op: &dyn Attribute, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized, { Ok(()) } } #[attr_interface_impl] impl TestAttrInterfaceX for StringAttr {} #[attr_interface_impl] impl TestAttrInterfaceX for IntegerAttr {} #[def_attribute("test.my_attr")] #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] struct MyAttr { ty: Ptr, } impl Verify for MyAttr { fn verify(&self, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } } impl Printable for MyAttr { fn fmt( &self, _ctx: &Context, _state: &printable::State, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>, ) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "MyAttr") } } #[attr_interface_impl] impl TypedAttrInterface for MyAttr { fn get_type(&self) -> Ptr { self.ty } } static TEST_ATTR_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT: LazyLock> = LazyLock::new(|| Mutex::new("".into())); #[def_attribute("test.verify_intr_attr")] #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] struct VerifyIntrAttr {} impl_verify_succ!(VerifyIntrAttr); #[attr_interface_impl] impl TestAttrInterface for VerifyIntrAttr {} #[attr_interface_impl] impl TestAttrInterface2 for VerifyIntrAttr {} impl Printable for VerifyIntrAttr { fn fmt( &self, _ctx: &Context, _state: &printable::State, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>, ) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "VerifyIntAttr") } } #[attr_interface] trait TestAttrInterface { fn verify(_op: &dyn Attribute, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized, { *TEST_ATTR_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT.lock().unwrap() += "TestAttrInterface verified\n"; Ok(()) } } #[attr_interface] trait TestAttrInterface2: TestAttrInterface { fn verify(_op: &dyn Attribute, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized, { *TEST_ATTR_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT.lock().unwrap() += "TestAttrInterface2 verified\n"; Ok(()) } } #[test] fn test_attr_intr_verify_order() -> Result<()> { let ctx = &mut setup_context_dialects(); VerifyIntrOp::register(ctx, VerifyIntrOp::parser_fn); let vio = VerifyIntrAttr {}; vio.verify_interfaces(ctx)?; expect![[r#" TestAttrInterface verified TestAttrInterface2 verified "#]] .assert_eq(&TEST_ATTR_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT.lock().unwrap()); Ok(()) } #[type_interface] trait TestTypeInterfaceX { fn verify(_op: &dyn Type, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized, { Ok(()) } } #[type_interface_impl] impl TestTypeInterfaceX for UnitType {} #[type_interface_impl] impl TestTypeInterfaceX for IntegerType {} static TEST_TYPE_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT: LazyLock> = LazyLock::new(|| Mutex::new("".into())); #[def_type("test.verify_intr_type")] #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Hash)] struct VerifyIntrType {} impl_verify_succ!(VerifyIntrType); #[type_interface_impl] impl TestTypeInterface for VerifyIntrType {} #[type_interface_impl] impl TestTypeInterface2 for VerifyIntrType {} impl Printable for VerifyIntrType { fn fmt( &self, _ctx: &Context, _state: &printable::State, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>, ) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "VerifyIntType") } } #[type_interface] trait TestTypeInterface { fn verify(_op: &dyn Type, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized, { *TEST_TYPE_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT.lock().unwrap() += "TestTypeInterface verified\n"; Ok(()) } } #[type_interface] trait TestTypeInterface2: TestTypeInterface { fn verify(_op: &dyn Type, _ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> where Self: Sized, { *TEST_TYPE_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT.lock().unwrap() += "TestTypeInterface2 verified\n"; Ok(()) } } #[test] fn test_type_intr_verify_order() -> Result<()> { let ctx = &mut setup_context_dialects(); VerifyIntrOp::register(ctx, VerifyIntrOp::parser_fn); let vio = VerifyIntrType {}; vio.verify_interfaces(ctx)?; expect![[r#" TestTypeInterface verified TestTypeInterface2 verified "#]] .assert_eq(&TEST_TYPE_VERIFIERS_OUTPUT.lock().unwrap()); Ok(()) }