use pluralize::{ Pluralize }; // An incredibly simplistic example #[derive(Debug)] struct MaybeMany< T: Pluralize< usize > > { data: T, } impl MaybeMany where T: Pluralize< usize > { fn new( data: T ) -> Self { MaybeMany { data: data } } fn map<'a>( &mut self, f: &'a dyn Fn( &mut usize ) ) { for d in ) { f( d ) } } } impl PartialEq for MaybeMany where T: Pluralize< usize > { fn eq( &self, other: &Self ) -> bool { ).eq( ) ) } } #[test] fn test_eq( ) { let single_a = MaybeMany::new( 42 ); let single_b = MaybeMany::new( 1 ); let many_a = MaybeMany::new( vec![20, 22] ); let many_b = MaybeMany::new( vec![1] ); let mut many_c = MaybeMany::new( vec![40, 42] ); assert_ne!( single_a, single_b ); assert_eq!( single_a, MaybeMany::new( 42 ) ); assert_ne!( many_a, many_b ); assert_eq!( many_a, MaybeMany::new( vec![20, 22] ) ); assert_ne!( many_a, many_c ); &|x|{ *x = *x - 20; } ); assert_eq!( many_a, many_c ); // assert_eq!( many_b, single_b ); This doesn't work thanks to the typechecker }