I = we me = us he = they she = they them = them myself = ourselves yourself = yourselves itself = themselves herself = themselves himself = themselves themself = themselves is = are am = are was = were has = have this = these that = those echo = echoes dingo = dingoes volcano = volcanoes tornado = tornadoes torpedo = torpedoes genus = genera viscus = viscera stigma = stigmata stoma = stomata dogma = dogmata lemma = lemmata schema = schemata anathema = anathemata ox = oxen axe = axes die = dice yes = yeses foot = feet eave = eaves goose = geese tooth = teeth quiz = quizzes human = humans proof = proofs carve = carves valve = valves looey = looies thief = thieves groove = grooves pickaxe = pickaxes passerby = passersby