////start go package main //// import "fmt" //// func main(){ fmt.Println("hello world")} //// ////start java ////import static java.lang.System.out; //// ////class Hello ////{ ////public //// static void main(String[] args) //// { //// out.println("Hello, World Java..."); //// } ////} //// ////start rs ////fn ////main() ////{ //// println !("Hello, World of Rusty..."); ////} //// ////start c ////#include ////#include ////int main() ////{ //// char ch, file_name[25]; //// FILE *fp; //// //// printf("Enter name of a file you wish to see\n"); //// gets(file_name); //// //// fp = fopen(file_name, "r"); // read mode //// //// if (fp == NULL) //// { //// perror("Error while opening the file.\n"); //// exit(EXIT_FAILURE); //// } //// //// printf("The contents of %s file are:\n", file_name); //// //// while ((ch = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) //// printf("%c", ch); //// //// fclose(fp); //// return 0; ////} ////start js ////console.log("Hello, World, ja..."); ////