# Poor's man debugger
🚧 Under development, it works but some stuff might change in the future.
The most simple way to debug your code.
This is a simple TUI debugger, it starts a local server that accepts payloads from the adapters. Everything goes through HTTP requests, so it's very fast compared to other solutions.
You can think of it as a console.log(), but instead of the browser you use the terminal and it works with any language.
## Requirements
- PMD-adapter for your language installed in the project.
## Installation
You can install it via cargo.
1. Install cargo (https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/)
2. Run `cargo install pmd`
## Configuration
The default config is located at ~/.config/pmd/config.toml (for UNIX like systems) or ~/.pmd/config.toml (for Windows).
You can override the default config by passing a -c (--config) flag that points to the config.toml file.
### Keybindings
Keybindings are VIM-like. The `leader` key is set by default to `,` , but you can override this via config.
Debugger consists of three input states
- Normal
- Visual
- Inspection
### Normal
Normal mode enables you to scroll all the breakpoints and callstack data.
It has the following keybindings:
- `j` (or `Down arrow`) -> Move down the list
- `k` (or `Up arrow`) -> Move up the list
- ` + h` -> Move to the left
- ` + l` -> Move to the right
- `i` -> Set inspection mode, to inspect the dumped variables
- `v` -> Set visual mode and open the selected breakpoint/callstack in a popup for more details.
- `q` -> Quit
### Visual
Visual mode is meant to show additional data that are not present in normal mode for breakpoints/callstack.
It has the following keybindings:
- `q` -> Quit
- `ESC` -> Go to normal mode
### Inspection
Inspection mode enables you to inspect the tree-like data that were sent by the adapters.
It has the following keybindings:
- `j` (or `Down arrow`) -> Move down the tree
- `k` (or `Up arrow`) -> Move up the tree
- `h` -> Close the selected item
- `l` -> Expand selected item.
- `q` -> Quit
- `ESC` -> Go to normal mode
## Adapters
Adapters are language specific packages that sends the actual debug data to PMD via HTTP.
Currently supported
- PHP (https://github.com/nkoporec/pmd-php}
### Adapter API
An example API for an adapter
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:6969/dump \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"timestamp": "3223232",
"line": "6",
"connector_type": "php",
"filepath": "/home/project/drupal/web/index.php",
"callstack": [
"filepath": "/home/project/drupal/web/index.php",
"line": "10"
"payload": ""
- timestamp -> String
- line -> String
- connector_type -> String
- filepath -> String
- callstack -> Array (where key is a line number (int), and value is a file path (string)
- payload -> JSON encoded string
## Security Vulnerabilities
For any security vulnarabilities please send an email to hey@nkoporec.com
## Credits
- [nkoporec](https://github.com/nkoporec)
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)
## License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.md) for more information.