use std::fs; /// Creates a list of groups in a project file #[macro_export] macro_rules! create_groups { ( $file_name:ident, $($group:literal -> [$($subgroup:literal$(,)?)*],)* ) => { $( commands::create::CreateArgs { group_name: $group.to_string(), parent_group: None, }.run($file_name); $( commands::create::CreateArgs { group_name: $subgroup.to_string(), parent_group: Some($group.to_string()), }.run($file_name); )* )* }; } /// Creates a list of groups in a project variable #[macro_export] macro_rules! create_groups_local { ( $project:ident, $($group:ident -> [$($subgroup:literal$(,)?)*],)* ) => { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $project = Project::new(); $( let mut $group = Group::new(stringify!($group)); $group.groups = vec![$($subgroup.to_string(),)*]; )* insert_groups!($project, $($group,)*); }; } /// Deletes a list of groups in a project file #[macro_export] macro_rules! delete_groups { ( $file_name:ident, $($group:literal$(,)?)* ) => { $(println!("group name: {}", $group);)* commands::delete::DeleteArgs { group_names: vec![$($group.to_string(),)*] }.run($file_name); }; } /// Adds a list of tasks for a group in a project file #[macro_export] macro_rules! add_tasks { ( $file_name:ident, $group:literal, $($task:literal$(,)?)* ) => { $( commands::add::AddTaskArgs { group_name: $group.to_string(), text: vec![$task.to_string()], }.run($file_name); )* }; } /// Adds a list of tasks for a group in a project variable #[macro_export] macro_rules! add_tasks_local { ( $project:ident, $group:literal, $(TaskState::$state:ident -> $task:literal$(,)?)* ) => { $( $project.groups.get_mut($group).unwrap().tasks.push(Task { task: $task.to_string(), state: TaskState::$state, }); )* }; } /// Removes a list of tasks from a group in a project file #[macro_export] macro_rules! remove_tasks { ( $file_name:ident, $group_name:literal, $($id:literal$(,)?)* ) =>{ commands::remove::RemoveTaskArgs { group_name: $group_name.to_string(), ids: vec![$($id,)*], }.run($file_name); }; } /// Sets a list of tasks as complete/incomplete for a group in a project file #[macro_export] macro_rules! complete_tasks { ( $file_name:ident, $group_name:literal, $($id:literal -> TaskState::Complete,)* ) =>{ commands::task::TaskCompleteArgs { group_name: $group_name.to_string(), ids: vec![$($id,)*], }.run($file_name); }; ( $file_name:ident, $group_name:literal, $($id:literal -> TaskState::Incomplete,)* ) =>{ commands::task::TaskUndoArgs { group_name: $group_name.to_string(), ids: vec![$($id,)*], }.run($file_name); }; } /// Adds a list of notes to a group in a project file #[macro_export] macro_rules! add_notes { ( $file_name:ident, $group:literal, $($note:literal$(,)?)* ) => { $( commands::add::AddNoteArgs { group_name: $group.to_string(), text: vec![$note.to_string()], }.run($file_name); )* }; } /// Adds a list of notes to a group in a project variable #[macro_export] macro_rules! add_notes_local { ( $project:ident, $group:literal, $($note:literal$(,)?)* ) => { $( $project.groups.get_mut($group).unwrap().notes.push(Note { note: $note.to_string(), }); )* }; } /// Removes a list of notes from a group in a project file #[macro_export] macro_rules! remove_notes { ( $file_name:ident, $group_name:literal, $($id:literal$(,)?)* ) =>{ commands::remove::RemoveNoteArgs { group_name: $group_name.to_string(), ids: vec![$($id,)*], }.run($file_name); }; } /// Inserts a list of groups into a project variable #[macro_export] macro_rules! insert_groups { ( $project:ident, $($group:ident$(,)?)* ) => { $($project.groups.insert($, $group);)* }; ( $project:ident, $($group:literal$(,)?)* ) => { $($project.groups.insert($group.to_string(), Group::new($group));)* }; } /// Sets a list of groups as watched/unwatched in a project file #[macro_export] macro_rules! watch_groups { ( $file_name:ident, true, $($group:literal$(,)?)* ) =>{ $(commands::watch::WatchArgs { group_names: vec![$group.to_string()] }.run($file_name);)* }; ( $file_name:ident, false, $($group:literal$(,)?)* ) =>{ $(commands::unwatch::UnwatchArgs { group_names: vec![$group.to_string()], all: false, }.run($file_name);)* }; } /// Ensures that the specified file_name does not exist, and if it does, gets removed pub fn clean(file_name: &str) { let file = fs::metadata(file_name).is_ok(); if file { if let Err(e) = fs::remove_file(file_name) { panic!("{}", e); } } }