# PNETS **Pnets is a framework for manipulating Petri nets** - [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/pnets) - [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/pnets) --- This crate provides an api for manipulating Petri nets. Two main structures are provided by this library: - [`standard::Net`](https://docs.rs/pnets/latest/pnets/standard/struct.Net.html) - which allows to manipulate classical Petri net; - [`timed::Net`](https://docs.rs/pnets/latest/pnets/timed/struct.Net.html) - which allows the manipulation of temporal Petri net. In order to easily manipulate these nets this api provides the following elements: - [`arc::Kind`](https://docs.rs/pnets/latest/pnets/arc/enum.Kind.html) - an enum of the different types of arcs that exist in a Petri net; - [`Marking`](https://docs.rs/pnets/latest/pnets/struct.Marking.html) - a structure for manipulating hollow vectors; - [`PlaceId`](https://docs.rs/pnets/latest/pnets/struct.PlaceId.html) and [`TransitionId`](https://docs.rs/pnets/latest/pnets/struct.TransitionId.html) - a type for indexing places and transitions in networks.