use std::path::PathBuf; use quote::quote; fn main() { let raw_csv = include_str!("list.csv"); // list of pnp ids let rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(raw_csv.as_bytes()); // make a list of "arms" for the giant match statement let mut match_arms = Vec::new(); // a list of array entries let mut array_entries = Vec::new(); // we keep track of the longest company name let mut max_len = 0_usize; // we'll add a new match line for each row of csv for row in rdr.into_deserialize::().flatten() { // destructure let Row { company, id, _approved_on_date, } = row; // replace weird "non-break space" characters let company = company.replace('\u{a0}', " "); let id = id.replace('\u{a0}', ""); // EVEN THE IDS HAVE IT??? see: `AMS` // trim the value let company = company.trim(); // add to the list of const match arms match_arms.push(quote!(#id => Some(#company),)); // and to the list of array entries array_entries.push(quote! {(#id, #company),}); // check if we're the longest company so far if company.len() > max_len { max_len = company.len(); } } // make sure the list isn't empty if match_arms.is_empty() { panic!("Didn't detect any entries in the given file."); } // remove consecutive duplicates (i'm looking at you, DemoPad Software Ltd!) match_arms.dedup_by(|a, b| a.to_string() == b.to_string()); #[cfg(feature = "array")] array_entries.dedup_by(|a, b| a.to_string() == b.to_string()); // grab the length of the list (used to make array constant) let num_of_entries = match_arms.len(); let array = if cfg!(feature = "array") { quote! { pub(crate) const _ALL_COMPANIES: [(&str, &str); #num_of_entries] = [ #(#array_entries)* ]; } } else { quote!() }; // this is the final function we'll write to the file. // // TODO: you can make a const version of this if you take a byte slice let func = quote! { pub(crate) const _MAX_LEN: usize = #max_len; pub(crate) const _NUM_OF_ENTRIES: usize = #num_of_entries; pub(crate) fn _company_from_pnp_id(id: &str) -> Option<&'static str> { match id { #(#match_arms)* _ => None, } } #array }; let syn_file = syn::parse2(func).expect("func should parse ok"); let output = prettyplease::unparse(&syn_file); // the file should be at `$OUT_DIR/pnpid/` let build_dir = std::env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("out_dir should be defined during builds"); let output_path = PathBuf::from(build_dir).join("pnpid"); // write it! _ = std::fs::create_dir_all(&output_path); // make the dir std::fs::write(output_path.join(""), output) .expect("we have perms to write here. because we're compiling rn..."); } #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)] struct Row { #[serde(rename = "Company")] pub company: String, #[serde(rename = "PNP ID")] pub id: String, #[serde(rename = "Approved On Date")] pub _approved_on_date: String, }