--- icon: package-dependencies label: io --- !!! This module is optional. Set `PK_ENABLE_OS` to `1` to enable it. !!! ### `io.FileIO.read(size=-1) -> bytes | str` Read up to `size` bytes from the file. If `size` is negative or omitted, read until EOF. ### `io.FileIO.write(data: bytes | str)` Write the given data to the file. ### `io.FileIO.seek(offset, whence=0) -> int` Change the file position to the given offset. The `whence` argument is optional and defaults to `0` (absolute file positioning); other values are `1` (seek relative to the current position) and `2` (seek relative to the file's end). ### `io.FileIO.tell() -> int` Return the current file position. ### `io.FileIO.close()` Close the file. ### `io.SEEK_SET` Seek from the beginning of the file. ### `io.SEEK_CUR` Seek from the current position. ### `io.SEEK_END` Seek from the end of the file.