=== Catuṣkoṭi Existential Lift === Link to paper: https://github.com/advancedresearch/path_semantics/blob/master/papers-wip2/catuskoti-existential-lift.pdf Catuṣkoṭi is 4-value logic that was developed in traditional Indian logic. lifted existential path - true => idb - false => not - both => true - neither => false A "truth value" in Catuṣkoṭi is 1 of these four statements. Each truth value maps to an existential path of type `bool -> bool`. Catuṣkoṭi Existential Lift means that equations of the form: f(x) = Is lifted to the following form: ∃(f{(= x)}) = Since existential paths might be hard to wrap your head around, one can use Catuṣkoṭi existential lift to simplify theorem proving when reasoning about indeterminacy. Indeterminacy happens under non-determinism, but also over normal paths that depends on the input, e.g.: collatz[even](true) = both It means that the normal path `collatz[even]` is not inhabited by the type `type -> type`. However, the existential path is still meaningful!