use std::fs; use ndarray::{array, s}; use ndarray::{Array1, Array2}; use pointprocesses::spatial::*; use plotters::prelude::*; static IMG_SIZE: (u32, u32) = (480, 480); static TITLE_FONT: &str = "Arial"; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { fs::create_dir("lib/examples/images").unwrap_or_default(); square_example()?; variable_circle_example()?; Ok(()) } /// The `plotlib` library expects vectors of tuples for input. fn cast_to_tuples(arr: Array2) -> Vec<(f64,f64)> { let n = arr.shape()[0]; (0..n).map(|i: usize| { let v = arr.slice(s![i,..]); (v[0], v[1]) }).collect() } fn square_example() -> Result<(), Box> { let lambda = 200.0; let close = array![0.0,0.0]; let far = array![1.0,1.0]; let domain = Domain::new(close, far); let events = poisson_process(lambda, &domain); // println!("{:?}", events); println!("Simulated {} events.", events.shape()[0]); let d = events.shape()[1]; assert_eq!(d, 2); let data = cast_to_tuples(events); let root = BitMapBackend::new( "lib/examples/images/2d_poisson_rect.png", IMG_SIZE) .into_drawing_area(); root.fill(&WHITE)?; let chart_title = "2D Poisson process"; let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root) .caption(chart_title, (TITLE_FONT, 16).into_font()) .margin(5) .x_label_area_size(30) .y_label_area_size(30) .build_ranged(0.0..1.0, 0.0..1.0)?; chart.configure_mesh().draw()?; let size = 2; chart.draw_series( data.iter() .map(|(x,y)| { Circle::new((*x, *y), size, RED.filled()) }) )?; Ok(()) } fn variable_circle_example() -> Result<(), Box> { let close: Array1 = array![0.,0.]; let far = array![1.,1.]; let domain = Domain::new(close, far); // the intensity function will be the distance to center let lambda = |v: &Array1| { use std::f64::consts::PI; let center = array![0.5,0.5]; let radius = 1.; let v = v - ¢er; let distance =; let x = v[0]; let y = v[1]; let angle = y.atan2(x); let perturb = 0.04*(10.0*angle).cos(); if distance <= radius { 4000.0 * (6.0 * (distance + perturb) * PI).cos() } else { 0.0 } }; let events = variable_poisson(lambda, 4000.0, &domain); // not printing this, the stdout gets flooded with all these evts // println!("{:?}", events); println!("Simulated {} events.", events.shape()[0]); let data = cast_to_tuples(events); let root = BitMapBackend::new( "lib/examples/images/2d_poisson_circle.png", IMG_SIZE) .into_drawing_area(); root.fill(&WHITE)?; let chart_title = "2D Poisson process"; let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root) .caption(chart_title, (TITLE_FONT, 16).into_font()) .margin(5) .x_label_area_size(30) .y_label_area_size(30) .build_ranged(0.0..1.0, 0.0..1.0)?; chart.configure_mesh().draw()?; let size = 2; chart.draw_series( data.iter() .map(|(x,y)| { Circle::new((*x, *y), size, RED.filled()) }) )?; Ok(()) }