syntax = "proto3"; package v1; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "model.proto"; option go_package = ""; option java_package = ""; option java_outer_classname = "BlockAllowListProto"; message BlockAllowListRule { // unique rule id string id = 1 [ json_name = "id" ]; // unique rule name string name = 2 [ json_name = "name" ]; // metadata for block allow list rules map metadata = 3 [ json_name = "metadata" ]; // service namespace string namespace = 4 [ json_name = "namespace" ]; // service name string service = 5 [ json_name = "service" ]; // rule description string description = 6 [ json_name = "description" ]; // rule priority uint32 priority = 7 [ json_name = "priority" ]; // rule enable bool enable = 8 [ json_name = "enable" ]; // ctime create time of the rules string ctime = 9 [ json_name = "ctime" ]; // mtime modify time of the rules string mtime = 10 [ json_name = "mtime" ]; // etime enable time of the rules string etime = 11 [ json_name = "etime" ]; // block or allow configuration repeated BlockAllowConfig blockAllowConfig = 12 [ json_name = "block_allow_config" ]; } message BlockAllowConfig { // blocking target api API api = 1 [ json_name = "api" ]; message MatchArgument { // label type for gateway request enum Type { // custom arguments CUSTOM = 0; // header, match the http header, dubbo attachment, grpc header HEADER = 1; // query, match the http query, dubbo argument QUERY = 2; // caller service CALLER_SERVICE = 3; // caller host ip CALLER_IP = 4; // caller instance metadata CALLER_METADATA = 5; // caller instance metadata CALLEE_METADATA = 6; } Type type = 1 [ json_name = "type" ]; // header key or query key string key = 2 [ json_name = "key" ]; // header value or query value MatchString value = 3 [ json_name = "value" ]; } // arguments to match this config repeated MatchArgument arguments = 2 [ json_name = "arguments" ]; enum BlockAllowPolicy { ALLOW_LIST = 0; BLOCK_LIST = 1; } // block or allow as policy BlockAllowPolicy blockAllowPolicy = 3 [ json_name = "block_allow_policy" ]; }