syntax = "proto3"; package v1; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; import "model.proto"; option go_package = ""; option java_package = "com.tencent.polaris.specification.api.v1.fault.tolerance"; option java_outer_classname = "CircuitBreakerProto"; //单个熔断规则定义 message CircuitBreaker { // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue id = 1; // 规则版本 // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue version = 2; // 规则名 // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue name = 3; // 规则命名空间 // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue namespace = 4; // 规则所属服务 google.protobuf.StringValue service = 5; google.protobuf.StringValue service_namespace = 6; //熔断规则可以分为被调规则和主调规则 //被调规则针对所有的指定主调生效,假如不指定则对所有的主调生效 //主调规则为当前主调方的规则,假如不指定则针对所有被调生效 // deprecated repeated CbRule inbounds = 7; // deprecated repeated CbRule outbounds = 8; // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue token = 9; // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue owners = 10; // 业务 // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue business = 11; // 部门 // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue department = 12; // 规则描述 // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue comment = 13; // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue ctime = 14; // deprecated google.protobuf.StringValue mtime = 15; google.protobuf.StringValue revision = 16; reserved 17 to 20; // circuitbreaker rules for current service repeated CircuitBreakerRule rules = 21; } // 主调匹配规则 message SourceMatcher { // 主调命名空间以及服务名,可以为*,代表全匹配 google.protobuf.StringValue service = 1; google.protobuf.StringValue namespace = 2; // 可选,主调业务标签,用于匹配是否使用该熔断规则,可放置用户的接口信息等 map labels = 3; } // 熔断恢复配置 message RecoverConfig { // 触发熔断后到半开状态之间的等待间隔 google.protobuf.Duration sleepWindow = 1; // 半开后,最多重试多少次恢复 google.protobuf.UInt32Value maxRetryAfterHalfOpen = 2; // 半开后放量的最大百分比 repeated google.protobuf.UInt32Value requestRateAfterHalfOpen = 3; // 熔断器半开到关闭所必须的最少成功率,默认100% google.protobuf.UInt32Value successRateToClose = 4; // 半开后最大放量数(用户不配置最大百分比时默认使用该配置) google.protobuf.UInt32Value requestCountAfterHalfOpen = 5; //主动探测配置 enum OutlierDetectWhen { //不开启监控探测 NEVER = 0; //只有在熔断恢复时才开启健康探测 ON_RECOVER = 1; //一直开启健康探测 ALWAYS = 2; } OutlierDetectWhen outlierDetectWhen = 6; } // 熔断策略 message CbPolicy { // 错误率熔断配置 message ErrRateConfig { //是否启用错误率配置 google.protobuf.BoolValue enable = 1; // 触发错误率熔断的最低请求阈值 google.protobuf.UInt32Value requestVolumeThreshold = 2; // 可选。触发保持状态的错误率阈值,假如不配置,则默认不会进入Preserved状态 google.protobuf.UInt32Value errorRateToPreserved = 3; // 触发熔断的错误率阈值 google.protobuf.UInt32Value errorRateToOpen = 4; //错误码相关特定配置 message SpecialConfig { // 熔断关心的错误类型,用户可以自己定义 google.protobuf.StringValue type = 1; repeated google.protobuf.Int64Value errorCodes = 2; google.protobuf.UInt32Value errorRateToPreserved = 3; google.protobuf.UInt32Value errorRateToOpen = 4; } repeated SpecialConfig specials = 5; } ErrRateConfig errorRate = 1; // 慢调用率熔断策略配置 message SlowRateConfig { // 是否启用慢调用率配置 google.protobuf.BoolValue enable = 1; // 最大响应时间,超过该时间属于慢调用请求 google.protobuf.Duration maxRt = 2; // 可选。触发保持状态的超时率阈值,假如不配置,则默认不会进入Preserved状态 google.protobuf.UInt32Value slowRateToPreserved = 3; // 触发熔断的超时率阈值 google.protobuf.UInt32Value slowRateToOpen = 4; } SlowRateConfig slowRate = 2; // 熔断的决策周期,多久触发一次熔断决策 google.protobuf.Duration judgeDuration = 3; //最大熔断比例,超过多少比例后不会继续熔断 google.protobuf.UInt32Value maxEjectionPercent = 4; //连续错误数熔断配置 message ConsecutiveErrConfig { // 是否启用连续错误数配置 google.protobuf.BoolValue enable = 1; // 连续错误数阈值,进入Preserved状态 google.protobuf.UInt32Value consecutiveErrorToPreserved = 2; // 连续错误数阈值,进入Open状态 google.protobuf.UInt32Value consecutiveErrorToOpen = 3; } ConsecutiveErrConfig consecutive = 5; } // 目标set的规则 message DestinationSet { // 被调命名空间以及服务名,可以为*,代表全匹配 google.protobuf.StringValue service = 1; google.protobuf.StringValue namespace = 2; // 可选,SUBSET标识 map metadata = 3; // 需要进行熔断的资源 // 支持SUBSET(子集群),以及INSTANCE(单个实例),默认为SUBSET enum Resource { // 针对实例分组进行熔断 SUBSET = 0; // 针对实例进行熔断 INSTANCE = 1; } Resource resource = 4; // 熔断决策类型,支持GLOBAL(分布式决策)以及LOCAL(本地决策),默认GLOBAL // 当指定为GLOBAL时,则会定期上报统计数据并根据汇总数据进行熔断决策 enum Type { GLOBAL = 0; LOCAL = 1; } Type type = 5; //熔断范围,是否扩散针对相同服务下所有接口进行熔断 enum Scope { //触发熔断条件,扩散熔断所有接口 ALL = 0; //触发熔断条件,只熔断当前接口 CURRENT = 1; } Scope scope = 6; // 熔断数据度量周期 // 所有的阈值指标按此周期进行统计 google.protobuf.Duration metricWindow = 7; // 熔断数据统计精度,决定数据度量的最小周期 // 度量滑窗的步长=window/precision google.protobuf.UInt32Value metricPrecision = 8; // 熔断数据上报周期,对分布式熔断有效 google.protobuf.Duration updateInterval = 9; // 触发熔断后恢复配置 RecoverConfig recover = 10; // 熔断策略 CbPolicy policy = 11; // 被调的接口信息,指定哪些接口会使用该规则 MatchString method = 12; // 返回码,指定哪些返回码会使用该规则 repeated google.protobuf.Int64Value errorCodes = 13; } // 具体熔断规则 message CbRule { // 如果匹配Source规则,按照Destination进行熔断 // 多个Source之间的关系为或 repeated SourceMatcher sources = 1; repeated DestinationSet destinations = 2; } message RuleMatcher { message SourceService { string service = 1; string namespace = 2; } message DestinationService { string service = 1; string namespace = 2; // deprecated_filed using api.path in blockConfig instead MatchString method = 3 [deprecated = true]; } SourceService source = 1; DestinationService destination = 2; } // circuitbreaking level enum Level { UNKNOWN = 0; // service level circuitbreaking SERVICE = 1; // method level circuitbreaking METHOD = 2; // group level circuitbreaking GROUP = 3; // instance level circuitbreaking INSTANCE = 4; } // new specific rule for circuitbreaker config message CircuitBreakerRule { string id = 1; // rule name string name = 2; // namespace of rule string namespace = 3; // enable this router bool enable = 4; // revision routing version string revision = 5; // ctime create time of the rules string ctime = 6; // mtime modify time of the rules string mtime = 7; // etime enable time of the rules string etime = 8; // description simple description rules string description = 9; // reserve for metadata reserved 10 to 20; // the circuitbreaking level Level level = 21; // match condition for this rule RuleMatcher rule_matcher = 22; // deprecated_filed error conditions to judge an invocation as an error repeated ErrorCondition error_conditions = 23 [deprecated = true]; // deprecated_filed trigger condition to trigger circuitbreaking repeated TriggerCondition trigger_condition = 24 [deprecated = true]; // the maximum % of an upstream cluster that can be ejected uint32 max_ejection_percent = 25; // recover condition to make resource open to close RecoverCondition recoverCondition = 26; // fault detection enable config FaultDetectConfig faultDetectConfig = 27; // fall back configuration FallbackConfig fallbackConfig = 28; // list for block configuration repeated BlockConfig block_configs = 29 [ json_name = "block_configs" ]; // priority rules priority uint32 priority = 30 [ json_name = "priority" ]; // 熔断规则标签数据 map metadata = 31 [ json_name = "metadata" ]; // 操作标志位 bool editable = 40 [ json_name = "editable" ]; bool deleteable = 41 [ json_name = "deleteable" ]; } // the condition to judge an input invocation as an error message ErrorCondition { enum InputType { UNKNOWN = 0; RET_CODE = 1; DELAY = 2; } InputType input_type = 1; MatchString condition = 2; } // the error condition to trigger circuitbreaking message TriggerCondition { enum TriggerType { UNKNOWN = 0; ERROR_RATE = 1; CONSECUTIVE_ERROR = 2; } TriggerType trigger_type = 1; uint32 error_count = 2; uint32 error_percent = 3; uint32 interval = 4; uint32 minimum_request = 5; } // circuitbreaking OPEN status recover message RecoverCondition { // seconds from open to half-open uint32 sleep_window = 1; // consecutive success request to recover uint32 consecutiveSuccess = 2; } // fault detect config within circuitbreaking message FaultDetectConfig { bool enable = 1; } // blocking strategy message BlockConfig { string name = 1 [ json_name = "name" ]; // blocking target api API api = 2 [ json_name = "api" ]; // conditions to judge an invocation as an error repeated ErrorCondition error_conditions = 3 [ json_name = "error_conditions" ]; // trigger condition to trigger circuitbreaking repeated TriggerCondition trigger_conditions = 4 [ json_name = "trigger_conditions" ]; } // fallback config message FallbackConfig { bool enable = 1; FallbackResponse response = 2; } // fallback response message FallbackResponse { int32 code = 1; message MessageHeader { string key = 1; string value = 2; } repeated MessageHeader headers = 2; string body = 3; }