**Parameter**;**Datatype**;**Explanation** vm_a_pu;float;voltage magnitude:Phase A [p.u] va_a_degree;float;voltage angle:Phase A [degree] vm_b_pu;float;voltage magnitude:Phase B [p.u] va_b_degree;float;voltage angle:Phase B [degree] vm_c_pu;float;voltage magnitude:Phase C [p.u] va_c_degree;float;voltage angle:Phase C [degree] p_a_mw;float;resulting active power demand:Phase A [MW] q_a_mvar;float;resulting reactive power demand:Phase A [Mvar] p_b_mw;float;resulting active power demand:Phase B [MW] q_b_mvar;float;resulting reactive power demand:Phase B [Mvar] p_c_mw;float;resulting active power demand:Phase C [MW] q_c_mvar;float;resulting reactive power demand:Phase C [Mvar] unbalance_percent;float;unbalance in percent defined as the ratio of V0 and V1 according to IEC 62749