**Parameter**;**Datatype**;**Value Range**;**Explanation** name;string;;name of the external grid bus*;integer;;index of connected bus vm_pu*;float;:math:`>` 0;voltage set point [p.u] va_degree*;float;;angle set point [degree] max_p_mw**;float;;Maximum active power min_p_mw**;float;;Minimum active power max_q_mvar**;float;;Maximum reactive power min_q_mvar**;float;;Minimum reactive power s_sc_max_mva***;float;:math:`>` 0;maximum short circuit power provision [MVA] s_sc_min_mva***;float;:math:`>` 0;minimum short circuit power provision [MVA] rx_max***;float;0...1;maxium R/X ratio of short-circuit impedance rx_min***;float;0...1;minimum R/X ratio of short-circuit impedance r0x0_max****;float;0...1; maximal R/X-ratio to calculate Zero sequence internal impedance of ext_grid x0x_max****;float;0...1; maximal X0/X-ratio to calculate Zero sequence internal impedance of ext_grid in_service*;boolean;True / False;specifies if the external grid is in service.