**Parameter**;**Datatype**;**Value Range**;**Explanation** type;string;"| ""p"" | ""q"" | ""i"" | ""v""";Defines what physical quantity is measured element_type;string;"| ""bus"" | ""line"" | ""transformer""";Defines which element type is equipped with the measurement value;float;;Measurement value std_dev;float;;Standard deviation (same unit as measurement) bus;int;"| must be in | net.bus.index";"Defines the bus at which the measurement is placed. For line or transformer measurement it defines the side at which the measurement is placed (from_bus or to_bus)." element;int;"| must be in | net.line.index or | net.trafo.index";"If the element_type is ""line"" or ""transformer"", element is the index of the relevant element. For ""bus"" measurements it is None (default)" check_existing;bool;;Checks if a measurement of the type already exists and overwrites it. If set to False, the measurement may be added twice (unsafe behaviour), but the performance increases index;int;;Defines a specific index for the new measurement (if possible)