const assert = require("assert"); async function run(nodeName, networkInfo, _jsArgs) { const { wsUri, userDefinedTypes } = networkInfo.nodesByName[nodeName]; const api = await zombie.connect(wsUri, userDefinedTypes); await zombie.util.cryptoWaitReady(); // account to submit tx const keyring = new zombie.Keyring({ type: "sr25519" }); const alice = keyring.addFromUri("//Alice"); const calls = [ // Default broker configuration{ advanceNotice: 5, interludeLength: 1, leadinLength: 1, regionLength: 1, idealBulkProportion: 100, limitCoresOffered: null, renewalBump: 10, contributionTimeout: 5, }), // We need MOARE cores., // Set a lease for the broker chain itself. 1005, 1000, ), // Set a lease for parachain 100 100, 1000, ), // Start sale to make the broker "work", but we don't offer any cores // as we have fixed leases only anyway., 0), ]; const sudo_batch = api.tx.sudo.sudo(api.tx.utility.batch(calls)); await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const unsub = await sudo_batch.signAndSend(alice, (result) => { console.log(`Current status is ${result.status}`); if (result.status.isInBlock) { console.log( `Transaction included at blockHash ${result.status.asInBlock}` ); } else if (result.status.isFinalized) { console.log( `Transaction finalized at blockHash ${result.status.asFinalized}` ); unsub(); return resolve(); } else if (result.isError) { // Probably happens because of: console.log(`Transaction error`); // We ignore the error because it is very likely misleading, because of the issue mentioned above. unsub(); return resolve(); } }); }); return 0; } module.exports = { run };