This is generated from the clap-rs test in the [rustc-perf repo]. To generate it yourself, do this: ```bash > cd $CHECKOUT/rustc-perf/collector/benchmarks/clap-rs > cargo +YOUR_RUSTC rustc -- -Znll-facts -Ztime-passes -Zborrowck=mir > cp -r nll-facts/app-parser-{{impl}}-add_defaults/ ... ``` Make sure you are using a local build that supports `-Znll-facts`, of course. When you run that command, you will also be able to see how long this takes using the "normal" NLL analysis by looking for a line like this (naturally, your "time" and "rss" numbers will vary): ``` time: 14.114; rss: 556MB solve_nll_region_constraints(DefId(0/0:197 ~ clap[d75c]::app[0]::parser[0]::{{impl}}[0]::add_defaults[0])) ``` [rustc-perf repo]: