0.13.0 ------ - Migrated usage of `SystemTime` date times to `chrono` types - Converted `api::Response` type into an `enum` - Removed serialization support from event and aggregate data types - Bumped minimum supported Rust version to `1.53` - Bumped `http-endpoint` dependency to `0.5` - Bumped `websocket-util` dependency to `0.10` 0.12.0 ------ - Removed `api::tickers` and `api::ticker_news` module - Switched from using `test-env-log` to `test-log` - Bumped minimum supported Rust version to `1.51` - Bumped `websocket-util` dependency to `0.9` - Bumped `tokio-tungstenite` dependency to `0.16` 0.11.0 ------ - Added `RateLimitExceeded` error variant to all endpoint errors - Updated `num-decimal` to use version `0.4` of the `num-*` crates 0.10.0 ------ - Renamed `api::market_status::Status` type to `Market` - Introduced `Status` type representing market status - Added support for handling delayed data - Fixed parsing of market time to assume server-local time - Bumped minimum supported Rust version to `1.46` - Bumped `tokio-tungstenite` dependency to 0.14 - Bumped `websocket-util` dependency to `0.8` 0.9.0 ----- - Bumped minimum supported Rust version to `1.44` - Replaced `async-tungstenite` dependency with `tokio-tungstenite` - Bumped `hyper` dependency to `0.14` - Bumped `hyper-tls` dependency to `0.5` - Bumped `tokio` dependency to `1.0` - Bumped `websocket-util` dependency to `0.7` 0.8.1 ----- - Added support for retrieving market status & time - Excluded unnecessary files from being contained in release bundle 0.8.0 ----- - Reintroduced `Option` wrapper to aggregate response type - Adjusted aggregate end date to be inclusive - Fixed time stamp conversions to correctly honor daylight savings time - Bumped minimum supported Rust version to `1.42` - Bumped `time-util` dependency to `0.3` 0.7.0 ----- - Added support for `wasm32-unknown-unknown` target using Web APIs - Return inner error as source in `RequestError::Endpoint` variant - Introduced new `api::ResponseError` type - Exported `api::Response` type - Bumped `http-endpoint` dependency to `0.4` - Bumped `websocket-util` dependency to `0.6` - Bumped `async-tungstenite` dependency to `0.8` 0.6.0 ----- - Added `ApiInfo::new` constructor - Removed `events::Trade::conditions` and `events::Quote::condition` members - Use `thiserror` crate for defining error types - Enabled CI pipeline comprising building and linting of the project - Added badge indicating pipeline status - Bumped `http-endpoint` dependency to `0.3` - Bumped `websocket-util` dependency to `0.5` - Bumped `async-tungstenite` dependency to `0.5` 0.5.0 ----- - Introduced new public `events` module - Removed `Hyper` variant from `Error` type - Bumped `http-endpoint` dependency to `0.2` - Introduced new `RequestError` type - Bumped `websocket-util` dependency to `0.4` 0.4.0 ----- - Added support for properly handling "disconnect" messages - Adjusted stream functionality to stream a single event at a time - Removed `Option` wrapper from aggregate response type - Removed `Aggregate::accumulated_volume` and `Aggregate::average_price` members - Decreased tracing verbosity by one level - Bumped `num-decimal` dependency to `0.2` 0.3.0 ----- - Introduced `Client::new` constructor - Assume Eastern time when deserializing streamed market data - Serialize stock aggregates in millisecond format - Removed `Aggregate::open_price_today` member 0.2.0 ----- - Bumped `time-util` dependency to `0.2` - Bumped `websocket-util` dependency to `0.3` - Bumped `async-tungstenite` dependency to `0.4` 0.1.2 ----- - Made `Aggregate`, `Quote`, and `Trade` types publicly available - Added `Event::symbol` and `Subscription::stock` methods 0.1.1 ----- - Added support for retrieving stock aggregates - Added support for retrieving ticker news items - Made stream event types serializable - Use `time-util` crate for time related operations 0.1.0 ----- - Initial release