use dds_bridge::{deal, solver}; use nalgebra as na; use pons::eval; use pons::stats::{Accumulator, Statistics}; use std::process::ExitCode; fn calculate_par_suit_tricks(tricks: solver::TricksTable) -> Option<(deal::Suit, deal::Seat, i8)> { solver::calculate_par(tricks, solver::Vulnerability::empty(), deal::Seat::North) .ok()? .contracts .into_iter() .find_map(|(contract, seat, overtricks)| { let suit = deal::Suit::try_from(; #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_wrap)] // level is always in 1..=7|suit| (suit, seat, as i8 + 6 + overtricks)) }) } const EVALUATORS: [&'static dyn eval::HandEvaluator; 5] = [ &eval::SimpleEvaluator(eval::hcp_plus::), &eval::BUMRAP_PLUS, &eval::SimpleEvaluator(eval::ltc::), &eval::NLTC, &eval::zar, ]; type Columns = na::Const<{ EVALUATORS.len() + 1 }>; type Evaluation = na::OMatrix; type Correlation = na::OMatrix; type Histogram = na::OMatrix>; fn eval_random_deals(n: usize) -> Result { let deals: Vec<_> = core::iter::repeat_with(|| deal::Deal::new(&mut rand::thread_rng())) .take(n) .collect(); let rows: Vec<_> = solver::solve_deals(&deals, solver::StrainFlags::all())? .into_iter() .map(calculate_par_suit_tricks) .enumerate() .filter_map(|(i, x)| {|(_, seat, tricks)| { let hands = [deals[i][seat], deals[i][seat + core::num::Wrapping(2)]]; (tricks,|f| f.eval_pair(hands))) }) }) .collect(); Ok(Evaluation::from_row_iterator( rows.len(), rows.into_iter() .flat_map(|(tricks, eval)| core::iter::once(f64::from(tricks)).chain(eval)), )) } fn compute_correlation(eval: &Evaluation) -> Correlation { let mean = eval.row_mean(); let centered = eval.map_with_location(|_, j, x| x - mean[j]); let moment = centered.adjoint() * centered; moment.map_with_location(|i, j, x| x / (moment[(i, i)] * moment[(j, j)]).sqrt()) } fn compute_histogram(eval: &Evaluation) -> Histogram { eval.row_iter() .fold(Histogram::default(), |mut acc, row| { #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss)] let i = (row[0] as usize).max(6) - 6; let row = row.fixed_columns::<{ EVALUATORS.len() }>(1); acc.row_mut(i).zip_apply(&row, Accumulator::push); acc }) .map(Accumulator::sample) } #[doc = include_str!("")] fn main() -> Result { let n = match std::env::args().nth(1) { Some(string) => { if let Ok(n) = string.parse::() { n } else { eprintln!("{}", include_str!("")); return Ok(ExitCode::FAILURE); } } None => 100, }; let eval = eval_random_deals(n)?; let tricks = eval.column(0); let mean = tricks.mean(); #[allow(clippy::cast_precision_loss)] let variance = tricks .iter() .map(|&x| { let x = x - mean; x * x }) .sum::() / (tricks.len() - 1) as f64; println!("The number of valid deals: {}", tricks.len()); println!("Average tricks of the best suit contract: {mean}"); println!("Standard deviation of the tricks: {}\n", variance.sqrt()); println!( "Correlation matrix between `EVALUATORS`: {:.12}", compute_correlation(&eval), ); println!( "Histogram of eval (mean ± sd) for tricks: {:.6}", compute_histogram(&eval), ); Ok(ExitCode::SUCCESS) }