complete -c pooi -s l -l lang -d 'Specify the language to use (eg: en-GB)' -r -f complete -c pooi -s p -l pick -d 'Target specific answers, use -- to stop parsing arguments' -r -f -a "{basic1 ,basic2 ,clock ,conversions ,currency ,define ,holidays ,lists ,lyrics ,maths ,pronounce ,snippets1 ,snippets2 ,sports ,summary ,translate ,weather }" complete -c pooi -s h -l help -d 'Print help information' complete -c pooi -s V -l version -d 'Print version information' complete -c pooi -s a -l all -d 'Prints all of the answers found' complete -c pooi -s u -l urls -d 'Also print a list of the top urls associated with your query' complete -c pooi -s q -l quiet -d 'Only print the answer (if applicable) and error messages' complete -c pooi -s r -l raw -d 'Raw output (use --help for details)' complete -c pooi -s s -l save -d 'Saves the raw HTML for this query' complete -c pooi -s c -l cache -d 'Use the most recent cached HTML' complete -c pooi -l clean -d 'Remove all previously saved results' complete -c pooi -s L -l list -d 'Prints a table of all the valid answer selectors'