Porter2 English Stemmer ======================= [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/carols10cents/porter2.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/carols10cents/porter2) This is an INCOMPLETE implementation of the [Porter2 english stemmer](http://snowball.tartarus.org/algorithms/english/stemmer.html) written in Rust. It's a little toy project for me to learn Rust on, while doing something somewhat useful. Please check [rust-ci.org](http://www.rust-ci.org/carols10cents/porter2) for rust version compatibility. Many thanks to the start that [mrordinaire's porter stemmer in rust](https://github.com/mrordinaire/rust-stem) gave me!! Compiling ========= I'm using [Cargo](http://crates.io/)!!! Just run `cargo build`!!!! Running the tests ================= I'm using [Cargo](http://crates.io/)!!! Just run `cargo test`!!!! The tests are really just one test with a lot of cases-- it runs through the words in some input files and asserts that the stem of the word matches the corresponding line in the expected output files. Stemming ======== After compiling, you should have a binary in target/porter2 that will read a list of words, one per line, from stdin and print their stems to stdout. Example: ./target/porter2 < test-data/voc.txt > output.txt License ======= MIT. See LICENSE.