# poster-rs 📬 [![build](https://github.com/Chylynsky/poster-rs/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/Chylynsky/poster-rs/actions/workflows/rust.yml) ## MQTT5 client library Poster-rs is an asynchronous, runtime agnostic, zero-copy MQTT 5 library, designed having operation locality in mind. ## Features - MQTTv5 - Runtime agnostic - Zero-copy - Per-subscription async streams - No unsafe code ### Documentation [Here.](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/) ### Getting started Firstly, choose your async runtime. Ready? Lets go! In the below example we will use Tokio. ```rust use std::error::Error; use poster::{prelude::*, ConnectOpts, Context}; use tokio::net::TcpStream; use tokio_util::compat::{TokioAsyncReadCompatExt, TokioAsyncWriteCompatExt}; #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let (mut ctx, mut handle) = Context::new(); let ctx_task = tokio::spawn(async move { // Set up a connection using your async framework of choice. We will need a read end, which is // AsyncRead, and write end, which is AsyncWrite, so we split the TcpStream // into ReadHalf and WriteHalf pair. let (rx, tx) = TcpStream::connect("").await?.into_split(); // Pass (ReadHalf, WriteHalf) pair into the context and connect with the broker on // the protocol level. ctx.set_up((rx.compat(), tx.compat_write())).connect(ConnectOpts::default()).await?; // Awaiting the Context::run invocation will block the current task. if let Err(err) = ctx.run().await { eprintln!("[context] Error occured: \"{}\", exiting...", err); } else { println!("[context] Context exited."); } Ok::<(), Box>(()) }); /* ... */ ctx_task.await?; Ok(()) } ``` At this point, our [context](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.Context.html) is up and running. Let's break down the above example. `poster-rs` is a runtime agnostic library, which means that all the asynchronous operations are abstracted using traits from the `futures-rs` crate. The result of this approach is that connection with the broker must be established manually and the library only cares about receving ([AsyncRead](https://docs.rs/futures/latest/futures/io/trait.AsyncRead.html), [AsyncWrite](https://docs.rs/futures/latest/futures/io/trait.AsyncWrite.html)) pair during the context creation. This pair is usually obtained using some sort of `split` functions on streams/sockets in the networking libraries. (See [tokio](https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/net/struct.TcpStream.html#method.into_split), [smol](https://docs.rs/smol/latest/smol/io/fn.split.html)) `new` factory method gives us ([Context](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.Context.html), [ContextHandle](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.ContextHandle.html)) tuple. [Context](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.Context.html) is responsible for handling the traffic between the client and the server. [ContextHandle](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.ContextHandle.html) however, is a cloneable handle to the [Context](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.Context.html) actor and is used to perform all the MQTT operations. Method run blocks the task (on .await) until one of the following conditions is met: 1. Graceful disconnection is performed (using [ContextHandle::disconnect](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.ContextHandle.html#method.disconnect) method). The result is then (). 2. Error occurs, resulting in [MqttError](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/error/enum.MqttError.html). This may be the result of socket closing, receiving DISCONNECT from the server, etc. ### Publishing Publishing is performed via the [ContextHandle::publish](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.ContextHandle.html#method.publish) method. ```rust // ... let opts = PublishOpts::default().topic_name("topic").payload("hello there".as_bytes()); handle.publish(opts).await?; ``` See [PublishOpts](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.PublishOpts.html). ### Subscriptions Subscriptions are represented as async streams, obtained via the [SubscribeRsp::stream](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.SubscribeRsp.html#method.stream) method. The general steps of subscribing are: - await the invocation of [ContextHandle::subscribe](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.ContextHandle.html#method.subscribe) method - validate the result (optionally) - use [stream](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.SubscribeRsp.html#method.stream) method in order to create a stream for the subscription. Note that under the hood, the library uses subscription identifiers to group subscriptions. See [SubscribeOpts](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.SubscribeOpts.html). ```rust // ... let opts = SubscribeOpts::default().subscription("topic", SubscriptionOpts::default()); let rsp = handle.subscribe(opts).await?; let mut subscription = rsp.stream(); while let Some(msg) = subscription.next().await { println!("topic: {}; payload: {}", msg.topic_name(), str::from_utf8(msg.payload()).unwrap()); } ``` User may subscribe to multiple topics in one subscription request. ```rust // ... let opts = SubscribeOpts::default() .subscription("topic1", SubscriptionOpts::default()) .subscription("topic2", SubscriptionOpts::default()); let mut subscription = handle.subscribe(opts).await?.stream(); while let Some(msg) = subscription.next().await { println!("topic: {}; payload: {}", msg.topic_name(), str::from_utf8(msg.payload()).unwrap()); } ``` Each subscription may be customized using the [SubscriptionOpts](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.SubscriptionOpts.html). ```rust let opts = SubscribeOpts::default() .subscription("topic", SubscriptionOpts::new().maximum_qos(QoS::AtLeastOnce)); ``` [SubscribeRsp](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.SubscribeRsp.html) struct represents the result of the subscription request. In order to access per-topic reason codes, [SubscribeRsp::payload](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.SubscribeRsp.html#method.payload) method is used: ```rust // ... let rsp = handle.subscribe(opts).await?; let all_ok = rsp.payload().iter().copied().all(|reason| reason == SubackReason::GranteedQoS2); ``` ### Unsubscribing Unsubscribing is performed by the [ContextHandle::unsubscribe](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.ContextHandle.html#method.unsubscribe) method. Note that it does NOT close the subscription stream (it could lead to logic errors). ```rust // ... let opts = UnsubscribeOpts::default().topic_name("topic"); let rsp = handle.unsubscribe(opts).await?; ``` As with subscribing, per topic reason codes can be obtained by the [UnsubscribeRsp::payload](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.UnsubscribeRsp.html#method.payload) method. See [UnsubscribeOpts](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.UnsubscribeOpts.html). ### Keep alive and ping If the [ConnectOpts::keep_alive](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.ConnectOpts.html#method.keep_alive) interval is set during the connection request, the user must use the [ContextHandle::ping](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.ContextHandle.html#method.ping) method periodically. ### Disconnection Disconnection may be initiated either by user or the broker. When initiated by the broker, the [Context::run](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.Context.html#method.run) method returns [error::Disconnected](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/error/struct.Disconnected.html) error. Graceful disconnection may be also performed by the user by using [ContextHandle::disconnect](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.ContextHandle.html#method.disconnect) method. When disconnection is finished, [Context::run](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.Context.html#method.run) method returns (). ```rust // ... handle.disconnect(DisconnectOpts::default()).await?; ``` See [DisconnectOpts](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.DisconnectOpts.html). ### Error handling The main library error type is [error::MqttError](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/error/enum.MqttError.html) enum found in [error](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/error/index.html) module. ### TLS/SSL TLS/SSL libraries are available out there with AsyncRead, AsyncWrite TLS/SSL streams. These may be supplied to the [Context::set_up](https://docs.rs/poster/latest/poster/struct.Context.html#method.set_up) method. The library does not handle encription on its own. ## Dependencies Poster-rs depends on the below crates: - [futures](https://docs.rs/futures/latest/futures/) - Enables runtime agnostic API - [bytes](https://docs.rs/bytes/latest/bytes/) - Raw data and buffer management - [either](https://docs.rs/either/latest/either/) - Utility for handling "unions" of two different types - [derive_builder](https://docs.rs/derive_builder/latest/derive_builder/) - Implements Builder pattern without code bloat ## License Copyright 2023 Borys Chyliński Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## Authors [Borys Chyliński](https://github.com/Chylynsky)