rust-postgis ============ [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [Documentation]( An extension to rust-postgres, adds support for PostGIS. - PostGIS type helper - GCJ02 support (used offically in Mainland China) - Tiny WKB (TWKB) support ## Usage ```rust use postgres::{Client, NoTls}; use postgis::{ewkb, LineString}; fn main() { let mut client = Client::connect("host=localhost user=postgres", NoTls).unwrap(); for row in &client.query("SELECT * FROM busline", &[]).unwrap() { let route: ewkb::LineString = row.get("route"); let last_stop = route.points().last().unwrap(); let _ = client.execute("INSERT INTO stops (stop) VALUES ($1)", &[&last_stop]); } } ``` Handling NULL values: ```rust let route = row.try_get::<_, Option>("route"); match route { Ok(Some(geom)) => { println!("{:?}", geom) } Ok(None) => { /* Handle NULL value */ } Err(err) => { println!("Error: {}", err) } } ``` ## Writing other geometry types into PostGIS rust-postgis supports writing geometry types into PostGIS which implement the following traits: * `Point`, `LineString`, ... * `AsEwkbPoint`, `AsEwkbLineString`, ... See the TWKB implementation as an example. An example for reading a TWKB geometry and writing it back as EWKB: ```rust use postgis::twkb; use postgis::LineString; for row in &conn.query("SELECT ST_AsTWKB(route) FROM busline", &[]).unwrap() { let route: twkb::LineString = row.get(0); let last_stop = route.points().last().unwrap(); let _ = conn.execute("INSERT INTO stops (stop) VALUES ($1)", &[&last_stop.as_ewkb()]); } ``` ## Unit tests Unit tests which need a PostgreSQL connection are ignored by default. To run the database tests, declare the connection in an environment variable `DBCONN`. Example: export DBCONN=postgresql://user@localhost/testdb Run the tests with cargo test -- --ignored