[package] authors.workspace = true build = "build/build.rs" categories.workspace = true description = "Install and run a PostgreSQL database locally on Linux, MacOS or Windows. PostgreSQL can be bundled with your application, or downloaded on demand." edition.workspace = true keywords.workspace = true license.workspace = true name = "postgresql_embedded" repository = "https://github.com/theseus-rs/postgresql-embedded" version.workspace = true [build-dependencies] anyhow = { workspace = true } postgresql_archive = { path = "../postgresql_archive", version = "0.17.3", default-features = false } target-triple = { workspace = true } tokio = { workspace = true, features = ["full"] } url = { workspace = true } [dependencies] anyhow = { workspace = true } home = { workspace = true } postgresql_archive = { path = "../postgresql_archive", version = "0.17.3", default-features = false } postgresql_commands = { path = "../postgresql_commands", version = "0.17.3" } rand = { workspace = true } semver = { workspace = true } sqlx = { workspace = true, features = ["runtime-tokio"] } tempfile = { workspace = true } thiserror = { workspace = true } tokio = { workspace = true, features = ["full"], optional = true } tracing = { workspace = true, features = ["log"] } url = { workspace = true } [dev-dependencies] criterion = { workspace = true } test-log = { workspace = true } tokio = { workspace = true, features = ["full"] } [features] default = [ "native-tls", "theseus", ] blocking = ["tokio"] bundled = ["postgresql_archive/github"] native-tls = [ "postgresql_archive/native-tls", "sqlx/tls-native-tls", ] rustls-tls = [ "postgresql_archive/rustls-tls", "sqlx/tls-rustls", ] theseus = [ "postgresql_archive/theseus", ] tokio = [ "dep:tokio", "postgresql_commands/tokio", "sqlx/runtime-tokio", ] zonky = [ "postgresql_archive/zonky", ] [package.metadata.release] dependent-version = "upgrade" [package.metadata.docs.rs] no-default-features = true features = ["blocking", "theseus", "tokio"] targets = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"] [[bench]] harness = false name = "embedded"