# PostgRPC [![Latest Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/postgrpc.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/postgrpc) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/postgrpc/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/postgrpc) Query your Postgres databases directly using gRPC, gRPC-web, or transcoded JSON. ## Table of Contents 1. [Introduction](#introduction) 1. [Why](#why) 2. [Similar Projects](#similar-projects) 3. [Goals](#goals) 4. [Non-Goals](#non-goals) 2. [Getting Started](#getting-started) 1. [Installation](#installation) 2. [Configuration](#configuration) 3. [Usage](#usage) 3. [Examples](#examples) 1. [JSON Transcoding](https://github.com/boilerplatter/postgrpc/tree/master/postgrpc/examples/json-transcoding) 2. [gRPC-web](https://github.com/boilerplatter/postgrpc/tree/master/postgrpc/examples/grpc-web) 3. [Load Balancing](https://github.com/boilerplatter/postgrpc/tree/master/postgrpc/examples/load-balancing) 4. [Auth](https://github.com/boilerplatter/postgrpc/tree/master/postgrpc/examples/auth) 4. [FAQ](#faq) 5. [Roadmap](#roadmap) ## Introduction ### Why? Sometimes you want to use the full power of a Postgres database, but you aren't able to make direct connections or you don't want to write a custom API service that wraps your database queries. PostgRPC gives you the power of SQL over [`gRPC`](https://grpc.io/) or JSON, handling distributed transactions and connection management on your behalf. ### Similar Projects PostgRPC fills a similar niche as the excellent [PostgREST](https://postgrest.org/en/v8.0/) and [PostGraphile](https://www.graphile.org/postgraphile/) projects. Unlike those projects, PostgRPC lets you use SQL directly rather than wrapping the interface in another query language (i.e. a REST DSL or GraphQL, respectively). In addition, PostgRPC lets you work with lower-level database constructs like [transactions](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/tutorial-transactions.html) through the same `gRPC` or JSON interface used to query your database. ### Goals - **Performance**: running a query over a persistent connection will always be the fastest option, but using PostgRPC should be the next-best option. Where concurrent queries are needed, and where those queries scale up faster than connections, PostgRPC should handle more concurrent query requests than any other direct-connection-based connection pool solution. - **Primitive Focus**: where Postgres has a feature, PostgRPC should support that feature through the query interface. Where this is impossible, PostgRPC should strive to provide a distributed equivalent. - **Ease-of-Use**: those looking to get started with PostgRPC should be able to spin it up as a service quickly on a variety of systems. PostgRPC should ship with sane defaults for most use-cases. For more limited cases, PostgRPC should be easy to configure through feature-gating and conditional compilation. - **Type Inference**: PostgRPC should accomdate the flexibility of JSON in inputs and outputs rather than mapping JSON or `gRPC` types to Postgres types. This includes leveraging Postgres's built-in type inference wherever possible. - **Customization**: PostgRPC's provided binaries should be a reference implementation of a `gRPC` service. For those that need more flexibility, the `postgrpc` library is provided to handle custom connection pool logic. ### Non-Goals - **Auth**: PostgRPC does not include authentication or authorization mechanisms beyond those provided by the Postgres database itself. Setting the Postgres `ROLE` can be done through an `X-Postgres-Role` header (when the `role-header` feature is enabled), and correctly deriving the value of that header is the responsibility of other services better suited to the task (e.g. [Ory Oathkeeper](https://www.ory.sh/oathkeeper/docs/next/)) - **Strict Request Types**: PostgRPC will use binary encoding of input values where possible. Where the binary encoding of a parameter is not obvious, PostgRPC will use text encoding to leverage Postgres's built-in type inference. All outputs will be decoded as JSON-compatible dynamic types only, with no attempt to use stricter Postgres types. - **All-in-One**: PostgRPC does not replace your application stack. Instead, PostgRPC is a sharp tool that's easy to integrate into a toolbox that includes things like user management, load balancing, and routing of traffic from public endpoints. Do _not_ expose your database publicly through PostgRPC unless you know what you're doing (and even then, consider alternatives like those found in the `examples` directory). ## Getting Started ### Installation For binary installations, use `cargo install postgrpc`. The compilation of the `postgrpc` executable can be customized with `--features`. For library installations, use `cargo add postgrpc` within a `cargo`-managed Rust project. ### Configuration The `postgrpc` executable can be configured with the following environment variables: - `HOST`: the host that the `postgrpc` service uses. Defaults to ``. - `PORT`: the port that the `postgrpc` service uses. Defaults to `50051`. - `TERMINATION_PERIOD`: the number of milliseconds `postgrpc` waits before shutting down on `SIGTERM` signals. `postgrpc` shuts down gracefully, waiting for requests to finish where possible. This value is useful for waiting for proxies like `envoy` to drain, allowing `postgrpc` to handle those requests without error as long as they take less than `TERMINATION_PERIOD` milliseconds. In addition, the default connection pool can be configured with the following environment variables: - `MAX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE`: the number of upstream database connections that the pool is allowed to hold onto. Defaults to 4x the number of CPUs available on the host machine. - `STATEMENT_TIMEOUT`: the number of milliseconds `postgrpc` waits before aborting queries. - `RECYCLING_METHOD`: the [recycling method](https://docs.rs/deadpool-postgres/latest/deadpool_postgres/enum.RecyclingMethod.html) run as connections are returned to the connection pool. Defaults to [`clean`](https://docs.rs/deadpool-postgres/latest/deadpool_postgres/enum.RecyclingMethod.html#variant.Clean). - `PGDBNAME` (required): the name of the Postgres database to connect to. - `PGHOST`: the host of the Postgres cluster to connect to. Defaults to `localhost`. - `PGPASSWORD` (required): the password of the user to use when connecting to the Postgres database. - `PGPORT`: the port of the Postgres cluster to connect to. Defaults to `5432`. - `PGUSER` (required): the user to use when connecting to the Postgres database. - `PGAPPNAME`: the application label to use when connecting to the Postgres database. Defaults to `postgrpc`. - `PGSSLMODE`: the [`sslmode`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-ssl.html) to use when connecting to the Postgres database. Supported values are `disable`, `prefer`, and `require`. ### Usage With PostgRPC running on the default port and host, [`grpcurl`](https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl) can be used to query the database: ```bash grpcurl \ -plaintext \ -d '{"statement":"select 1 + 1 as two"}' \ [::]:50051 postgres.Postgres/Query # { "two": 2 } ``` To use a different (pre-existing) `ROLE` than the one used to connect to the database initially, use the `X-Postgres-Role` header: ```bash grpcurl \ -plaintext \ -d '{"statement":"select current_user"}' \ -H 'X-Postgres-Role: my-other-user' \ [::]:50051 postgres.Postgres/Query # { "current_user": "my-other-user" } ``` ## Examples All examples can be run from the `./examples` directory using `docker-compose`. Click on the links below to learn more about each example. - [JSON Transcoding](https://github.com/boilerplatter/postgrpc/tree/master/postgrpc/examples/json-transcoding) - [Load Balancing](https://github.com/boilerplatter/postgrpc/tree/master/postgrpc/examples/load-balancing) - [Auth](https://github.com/boilerplatter/postgrpc/tree/master/postgrpc/examples/auth) ## FAQ 1. **Who built PostgRPC?** The team at [Platter](https://platter.dev). 2. **Is PostgRPC ready for production?** PostgRPC should be considered alpha-level software, and no warranty is given or implied. If you still want to run PostgRPC yourself, be sure to run it as a part of a stack that includes robust authentication and authorization, and ensure that you harden your Postgres database against malicious queries! But you were doing that with your Postgres database anyway, right? 3. **How do you pronounce PostgRPC?** "post-ger-puck" ## Contributing Contributions are welcome in the form of bug reporting, feature requests, software fixes, and documentation updates. Please submit all code contributions as pull requests through GitHub. ## Roadmap - [ ] Native JSON transcoding without needing an additional proxy - [ ] [`LISTEN`/`NOTIFY`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-notify.html)-based channels - [ ] [`MATERIALIZED VIEW`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/rules-materializedviews.html)-based update streams - [ ] Explicit query registration and compile-time gRPC-compatible `proto` generation for an alternative to the dynamic `Query` interfaces ## Associated Crates ### [Postguard](https://github.com/boilerplatter/postgrpc/tree/master/postguard) [![Latest Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/postguard.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/postguard) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/postguard/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/postguard)