import { createRequire } from "module"; const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); const { inject } = require(".."); import { spawnSync, execSync } from "child_process"; import * as crypto from "crypto"; import * as path from "path"; import * as os from "os"; import { default as chai, expect } from "chai"; import chaiAsPromised from "chai-as-promised"; chai.use(chaiAsPromised); import fs from "fs-extra"; import rimraf from "rimraf"; import { temporaryDirectory } from "tempy"; // TODO - More test coverage describe("postject CLI", () => { let filename; let tempDir; let resourceContents; let resourceFilename; const IS_WINDOWS = os.platform() === "win32"; beforeEach(async () => { let originalFilename; tempDir = temporaryDirectory(); await fs.ensureDir(tempDir); if (IS_WINDOWS) { originalFilename = "./build/test/Debug/cpp_test.exe"; filename = path.join(tempDir, "cpp_test.exe"); } else { originalFilename = "./build/test/cpp_test"; filename = path.join(tempDir, "cpp_test"); } await fs.copy(originalFilename, filename); resourceContents = crypto.randomBytes(64).toString("hex"); resourceFilename = path.join(tempDir, "resource.bin"); await fs.writeFile(resourceFilename, resourceContents); }); afterEach(() => { rimraf.sync(tempDir); }); it("should have help output", async () => { const { status, stdout } = spawnSync("node", ["./dist/cli.js", "-h"], { encoding: "utf-8", }); expect(status).to.equal(0); expect(stdout).to.have.string("Usage"); }); it("has required arguments", async () => { const { status, stderr } = spawnSync("node", ["./dist/cli.js"], { encoding: "utf-8", }); expect(status).to.equal(1); expect(stderr).to.have.string("required"); }); it("should inject a resource successfully", async () => { // Before injection { const { status, stdout } = spawnSync(filename, { encoding: "utf-8" }); expect(status).to.equal(0); expect(stdout).to.have.string("Hello world"); } { const { status, stdout, stderr } = spawnSync( "node", [ "./dist/cli.js", filename, "foobar", resourceFilename, "--sentinel-fuse", "NODE_JS_FUSE_fce680ab2cc467b6e072b8b5df1996b2", ], { encoding: "utf-8" } ); // TODO(dsanders11) - Enable this once we squelch LIEF warnings // expect(stderr); expect(stdout).to.have.string("Injection done!"); expect(status).to.equal(0); } // Verifying code signing using a self-signed certificate. { if (process.platform === "darwin") { let codesignFound = false; try { execSync("command -v codesign"); codesignFound = true; } catch (err) { console.log(err.message); } if (codesignFound) { execSync(`codesign --sign - ${filename}`); execSync(`codesign --verify ${filename}`); } } // TODO(RaisinTen): Test code signing on Windows. } // After injection { const { status, stdout } = spawnSync(filename, { encoding: "utf-8" }); expect(status).to.equal(0); expect(stdout).to.have.string(resourceContents); } }).timeout(15_000); it("should display an error message when filename doesn't exist", async () => { { const { status, stdout, stderr } = spawnSync( "node", [ "./dist/cli.js", "unknown-filename", "foobar", resourceFilename, "--sentinel-fuse", "NODE_JS_FUSE_fce680ab2cc467b6e072b8b5df1996b2", ], { encoding: "utf-8" } ); expect(stdout).to.have.string( "Error: Can't read and write to target executable" ); expect(stdout).to.not.have.string("Injection done!"); expect(status).to.equal(1); } }).timeout(15_000); it("should display an error message when the file is not a supported executable type", async () => { const bogusFile = path.join(tempDir, "bogus.exe"); await fs.writeFile(bogusFile, "#!/bin/bash"); const { status, stdout } = spawnSync( "node", [ "./dist/cli.js", bogusFile, "foobar", resourceFilename, "--sentinel-fuse", "NODE_JS_FUSE_fce680ab2cc467b6e072b8b5df1996b2", ], { encoding: "utf-8" } ); expect(stdout).to.have.string( "Error: Executable must be a supported format: ELF, PE, or Mach-O" ); expect(stdout).to.not.have.string("Injection done!"); expect(status).to.equal(1); }).timeout(15_000); }); describe("postject API", () => { let filename; let tempDir; let resourceContents; let resourceFilename; const IS_WINDOWS = os.platform() === "win32"; beforeEach(async () => { let originalFilename; tempDir = temporaryDirectory(); await fs.ensureDir(tempDir); if (IS_WINDOWS) { originalFilename = "./build/test/Debug/cpp_test.exe"; filename = path.join(tempDir, "cpp_test.exe"); } else { originalFilename = "./build/test/cpp_test"; filename = path.join(tempDir, "cpp_test"); } await fs.copy(originalFilename, filename); resourceContents = crypto.randomBytes(64).toString("hex"); resourceFilename = path.join(tempDir, "resource.bin"); await fs.writeFile(resourceFilename, resourceContents); }); afterEach(() => { rimraf.sync(tempDir); }); it("should inject a resource successfully", async () => { // Before injection { const { status, stdout } = spawnSync(filename, { encoding: "utf-8" }); expect(status).to.equal(0); expect(stdout).to.have.string("Hello world"); } { const resourceData = await fs.readFile(resourceFilename); await inject(filename, "foobar", resourceData, { sentinelFuse: "NODE_JS_FUSE_fce680ab2cc467b6e072b8b5df1996b2", }); } // Verifying code signing using a self-signed certificate. { if (process.platform === "darwin") { let codesignFound = false; try { execSync("command -v codesign"); codesignFound = true; } catch (err) { console.log(err.message); } if (codesignFound) { execSync(`codesign --sign - ${filename}`); execSync(`codesign --verify ${filename}`); } } // TODO(RaisinTen): Test code signing on Windows. } // After injection { const { status, stdout } = spawnSync(filename, { encoding: "utf-8" }); expect(status).to.equal(0); expect(stdout).to.have.string(resourceContents); } }).timeout(15_000); }); describe("api.js should not contain __filename and __dirname", () => { let contents; before(async () => { contents = await fs.readFile("./dist/api.js", "utf-8"); }); it("should not contain __filename", () => { expect(contents).to.not.have.string("__filename"); }); it("should not contain __dirname", () => { expect(contents).to.not.have.string("__dirname"); }); });