// This is not a core part of the package, // but is instead a helper main that allows // manual testing against a Postmark account use std::env; use postmark::api::email::SendEmailRequest; use postmark::api::Body; use postmark::reqwest::PostmarkClient; use postmark::Query; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] #[ignore] async fn send_email() { println!("Started test"); let api_token = env::var("POSTMARK_API_TOKEN").expect("POSTMARK_API_TOKEN is not set"); println!("Loaded env variable"); let client = PostmarkClient::builder() .base_url("https://api.postmarkapp.com/") .server_token(api_token) .build(); println!("Created client"); let req = SendEmailRequest::builder() .from("dan@ourfructus.com") .to("customers@ourfructus.com") .body(Body::html("This is a basic e-mail test!".into())) .subject("Test") .build(); println!("Creaed request"); let resp = req.execute(&client).await; resp.unwrap(); }