#compdef powernotd autoload -U is-at-least _powernotd() { typeset -A opt_args typeset -a _arguments_options local ret=1 if is-at-least 5.2; then _arguments_options=(-s -S -C) else _arguments_options=(-s -C) fi local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line _arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" : \ '-f+[Set config-file path if needed, otherwise \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/powernotd/config.json is used]:CONFIG_FILE: ' \ '--config-file=[Set config-file path if needed, otherwise \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/powernotd/config.json is used]:CONFIG_FILE: ' \ '-b+[Pass the battery such as '\''BAT1'\'' if your system has multiple and you do not want to use the default (BAT0). Check '\''/sys/class/power_supply/'\'' to see which batteries you have]:BATTERY: ' \ '--battery=[Pass the battery such as '\''BAT1'\'' if your system has multiple and you do not want to use the default (BAT0). Check '\''/sys/class/power_supply/'\'' to see which batteries you have]:BATTERY: ' \ '-s[Print the current battery-level to stdout then exit]' \ '--status-level[Print the current battery-level to stdout then exit]' \ '-c[Print charging status '\''charging'\'', '\''discharging'\'', '\''full'\'' or '\''unknown'\'' to stdout then exit]' \ '--charging-state[Print charging status '\''charging'\'', '\''discharging'\'', '\''full'\'' or '\''unknown'\'' to stdout then exit]' \ '-n[Send desktop notification with current battery-level then exit]' \ '--notify-now[Send desktop notification with current battery-level then exit]' \ '-t[List all notification thresholds in the format '\''a_1%, a_2%, ..., a_n%'\'' that are specified in the config-file]' \ '--list-thresholds[List all notification thresholds in the format '\''a_1%, a_2%, ..., a_n%'\'' that are specified in the config-file]' \ '-p[Display the path to the config-file]' \ '--show-config-path[Display the path to the config-file]' \ '-h[Print help]' \ '--help[Print help]' \ '-V[Print version]' \ '--version[Print version]' \ && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_powernotd_commands] )) || _powernotd_commands() { local commands; commands=() _describe -t commands 'powernotd commands' commands "$@" } if [ "$funcstack[1]" = "_powernotd" ]; then _powernotd "$@" else compdef _powernotd powernotd fi