ASSERT NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM rev_per_product LEFT JOIN revenue ON rev_per_product.product_id = revenue.product_id WHERE revenue.product_id IS NULL ) AS 'Referential integrity rev_per_product on product_id'; ASSERT NOT EXISTS ( SELECT euro FROM revenue WHERE euro < 0 ) AS 'euro should be at least zero'; ASSERT NOT EXISTS ( SELECT quantity FROM rev_per_product WHERE quantity <= 0 ) AS 'quantity should be positive'; ASSERT NOT EXISTS ( SELECT product_id FROM rev_per_product WHERE product_id IS NULL ) AS 'product_id should be not null'; ASSERT ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM rev_per_product WHERE quantity < 10 ) >= 0.7 * ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rev_per_product ) AS 'At least 70% should have a quantity lower than 10';