#ifndef PARAMS_H #define PARAMS_H /* * This file is licensed * under Apache 2.0 (https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html) or * public domain at https://github.com/pq-crystals/kyber/tree/master/ref */ //#define KYBER_90S /* Uncomment this if you want the 90S variant */ #define KYBER_NAMESPACE(s) PQCLEAN_KYBER1024_AARCH64_##s #define KYBER_K 4 #define KYBER_N 256 #define KYBER_Q 3329 #define KYBER_SYMBYTES 32 /* size in bytes of hashes, and seeds */ #define KYBER_SSBYTES 32 /* size in bytes of shared key */ #define KYBER_POLYBYTES 384 #define KYBER_POLYVECBYTES (KYBER_K * KYBER_POLYBYTES) #define KYBER_ETA1 2 #define KYBER_POLYCOMPRESSEDBYTES 160 #define KYBER_POLYVECCOMPRESSEDBYTES (KYBER_K * 352) #define KYBER_ETA2 2 #define KYBER_INDCPA_MSGBYTES (KYBER_SYMBYTES) #define KYBER_INDCPA_PUBLICKEYBYTES (KYBER_POLYVECBYTES + KYBER_SYMBYTES) #define KYBER_INDCPA_SECRETKEYBYTES (KYBER_POLYVECBYTES) #define KYBER_INDCPA_BYTES (KYBER_POLYVECCOMPRESSEDBYTES + KYBER_POLYCOMPRESSEDBYTES) #define KYBER_PUBLICKEYBYTES (KYBER_INDCPA_PUBLICKEYBYTES) /* 32 bytes of additional space to save H(pk) */ #define KYBER_SECRETKEYBYTES (KYBER_INDCPA_SECRETKEYBYTES + KYBER_INDCPA_PUBLICKEYBYTES + 2*KYBER_SYMBYTES) #define KYBER_CIPHERTEXTBYTES (KYBER_INDCPA_BYTES) #endif