/* * This file was originally licensed * under Apache 2.0 (https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html) * at https://github.com/GMUCERG/PQC_NEON/blob/main/neon/kyber or * public domain at https://github.com/cothan/kyber/blob/master/neon * * We offer * CC0 1.0 Universal or the following MIT License for this file. * You may freely choose one of them that applies. * * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2023: Hanno Becker, Vincent Hwang, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Bo-Yin Yang, and Shang-Yi Yang * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "fips202x2.h" #include #define NROUNDS 24 // Define NEON operation // c = load(ptr) #define vload(ptr) vld1q_u64(ptr); // ptr <= c; #define vstore(ptr, c) vst1q_u64(ptr, c); // c = a ^ b #define vxor(c, a, b) c = veorq_u64(a, b); // Rotate by n bit ((a << offset) ^ (a >> (64-offset))) #define vROL(out, a, offset) \ out = vshlq_n_u64(a, offset); \ out = vsriq_n_u64(out, a, 64 - offset); // Xor chain: out = a ^ b ^ c ^ d ^ e #define vXOR4(out, a, b, c, d, e) \ out = veorq_u64(a, b); \ out = veorq_u64(out, c); \ out = veorq_u64(out, d); \ out = veorq_u64(out, e); // Not And c = ~a & b // #define vbic(c, a, b) c = vbicq_u64(b, a); // Xor Not And: out = a ^ ( (~b) & c) #define vXNA(out, a, b, c) \ out = vbicq_u64(c, b); \ out = veorq_u64(out, a); // Rotate by 1 bit, then XOR: a ^ ROL(b): SHA1 instruction, not support #define vrxor(c, a, b) c = vrax1q_u64(a, b); // End Define /* Keccak round constants */ static const uint64_t neon_KeccakF_RoundConstants[NROUNDS] = { (uint64_t)0x0000000000000001ULL, (uint64_t)0x0000000000008082ULL, (uint64_t)0x800000000000808aULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000080008000ULL, (uint64_t)0x000000000000808bULL, (uint64_t)0x0000000080000001ULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000080008081ULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000000008009ULL, (uint64_t)0x000000000000008aULL, (uint64_t)0x0000000000000088ULL, (uint64_t)0x0000000080008009ULL, (uint64_t)0x000000008000000aULL, (uint64_t)0x000000008000808bULL, (uint64_t)0x800000000000008bULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000000008089ULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000000008003ULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000000008002ULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000000000080ULL, (uint64_t)0x000000000000800aULL, (uint64_t)0x800000008000000aULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000080008081ULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000000008080ULL, (uint64_t)0x0000000080000001ULL, (uint64_t)0x8000000080008008ULL }; /************************************************* * Name: KeccakF1600_StatePermutex2 * * Description: The Keccak F1600 Permutation * * Arguments: - uint64_t *state: pointer to input/output Keccak state **************************************************/ extern void f1600x2(v128 *, const uint64_t *); static inline void KeccakF1600_StatePermutex2(v128 state[25]) { #if (__APPLE__ && __ARM_FEATURE_CRYPTO) || (__ARM_FEATURE_SHA3) /* although not sure what is being implemented, we find something fast */ f1600x2(state, neon_KeccakF_RoundConstants); #else v128 Aba, Abe, Abi, Abo, Abu; v128 Aga, Age, Agi, Ago, Agu; v128 Aka, Ake, Aki, Ako, Aku; v128 Ama, Ame, Ami, Amo, Amu; v128 Asa, Ase, Asi, Aso, Asu; v128 BCa, BCe, BCi, BCo, BCu; // tmp v128 Da, De, Di, Do, Du; // D v128 Eba, Ebe, Ebi, Ebo, Ebu; v128 Ega, Ege, Egi, Ego, Egu; v128 Eka, Eke, Eki, Eko, Eku; v128 Ema, Eme, Emi, Emo, Emu; v128 Esa, Ese, Esi, Eso, Esu; //copyFromState(A, state) Aba = state[0]; Abe = state[1]; Abi = state[2]; Abo = state[3]; Abu = state[4]; Aga = state[5]; Age = state[6]; Agi = state[7]; Ago = state[8]; Agu = state[9]; Aka = state[10]; Ake = state[11]; Aki = state[12]; Ako = state[13]; Aku = state[14]; Ama = state[15]; Ame = state[16]; Ami = state[17]; Amo = state[18]; Amu = state[19]; Asa = state[20]; Ase = state[21]; Asi = state[22]; Aso = state[23]; Asu = state[24]; for (int round = 0; round < NROUNDS; round += 2) { // prepareTheta vXOR4(BCa, Aba, Aga, Aka, Ama, Asa); vXOR4(BCe, Abe, Age, Ake, Ame, Ase); vXOR4(BCi, Abi, Agi, Aki, Ami, Asi); vXOR4(BCo, Abo, Ago, Ako, Amo, Aso); vXOR4(BCu, Abu, Agu, Aku, Amu, Asu); //thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(round , A, E) vROL(Da, BCe, 1); vxor(Da, BCu, Da); vROL(De, BCi, 1); vxor(De, BCa, De); vROL(Di, BCo, 1); vxor(Di, BCe, Di); vROL(Do, BCu, 1); vxor(Do, BCi, Do); vROL(Du, BCa, 1); vxor(Du, BCo, Du); vxor(Aba, Aba, Da); vxor(Age, Age, De); vROL(BCe, Age, 44); vxor(Aki, Aki, Di); vROL(BCi, Aki, 43); vxor(Amo, Amo, Do); vROL(BCo, Amo, 21); vxor(Asu, Asu, Du); vROL(BCu, Asu, 14); vXNA(Eba, Aba, BCe, BCi); vxor(Eba, Eba, vdupq_n_u64(neon_KeccakF_RoundConstants[round])); vXNA(Ebe, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Ebi, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Ebo, BCo, BCu, Aba); vXNA(Ebu, BCu, Aba, BCe); vxor(Abo, Abo, Do); vROL(BCa, Abo, 28); vxor(Agu, Agu, Du); vROL(BCe, Agu, 20); vxor(Aka, Aka, Da); vROL(BCi, Aka, 3); vxor(Ame, Ame, De); vROL(BCo, Ame, 45); vxor(Asi, Asi, Di); vROL(BCu, Asi, 61); vXNA(Ega, BCa, BCe, BCi); vXNA(Ege, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Egi, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Ego, BCo, BCu, BCa); vXNA(Egu, BCu, BCa, BCe); vxor(Abe, Abe, De); vROL(BCa, Abe, 1); vxor(Agi, Agi, Di); vROL(BCe, Agi, 6); vxor(Ako, Ako, Do); vROL(BCi, Ako, 25); vxor(Amu, Amu, Du); vROL(BCo, Amu, 8); vxor(Asa, Asa, Da); vROL(BCu, Asa, 18); vXNA(Eka, BCa, BCe, BCi); vXNA(Eke, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Eki, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Eko, BCo, BCu, BCa); vXNA(Eku, BCu, BCa, BCe); vxor(Abu, Abu, Du); vROL(BCa, Abu, 27); vxor(Aga, Aga, Da); vROL(BCe, Aga, 36); vxor(Ake, Ake, De); vROL(BCi, Ake, 10); vxor(Ami, Ami, Di); vROL(BCo, Ami, 15); vxor(Aso, Aso, Do); vROL(BCu, Aso, 56); vXNA(Ema, BCa, BCe, BCi); vXNA(Eme, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Emi, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Emo, BCo, BCu, BCa); vXNA(Emu, BCu, BCa, BCe); vxor(Abi, Abi, Di); vROL(BCa, Abi, 62); vxor(Ago, Ago, Do); vROL(BCe, Ago, 55); vxor(Aku, Aku, Du); vROL(BCi, Aku, 39); vxor(Ama, Ama, Da); vROL(BCo, Ama, 41); vxor(Ase, Ase, De); vROL(BCu, Ase, 2); vXNA(Esa, BCa, BCe, BCi); vXNA(Ese, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Esi, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Eso, BCo, BCu, BCa); vXNA(Esu, BCu, BCa, BCe); // Next Round // prepareTheta vXOR4(BCa, Eba, Ega, Eka, Ema, Esa); vXOR4(BCe, Ebe, Ege, Eke, Eme, Ese); vXOR4(BCi, Ebi, Egi, Eki, Emi, Esi); vXOR4(BCo, Ebo, Ego, Eko, Emo, Eso); vXOR4(BCu, Ebu, Egu, Eku, Emu, Esu); //thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(round+1, E, A) vROL(Da, BCe, 1); vxor(Da, BCu, Da); vROL(De, BCi, 1); vxor(De, BCa, De); vROL(Di, BCo, 1); vxor(Di, BCe, Di); vROL(Do, BCu, 1); vxor(Do, BCi, Do); vROL(Du, BCa, 1); vxor(Du, BCo, Du); vxor(Eba, Eba, Da); vxor(Ege, Ege, De); vROL(BCe, Ege, 44); vxor(Eki, Eki, Di); vROL(BCi, Eki, 43); vxor(Emo, Emo, Do); vROL(BCo, Emo, 21); vxor(Esu, Esu, Du); vROL(BCu, Esu, 14); vXNA(Aba, Eba, BCe, BCi); vxor(Aba, Aba, vdupq_n_u64(neon_KeccakF_RoundConstants[round + 1])); vXNA(Abe, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Abi, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Abo, BCo, BCu, Eba); vXNA(Abu, BCu, Eba, BCe); vxor(Ebo, Ebo, Do); vROL(BCa, Ebo, 28); vxor(Egu, Egu, Du); vROL(BCe, Egu, 20); vxor(Eka, Eka, Da); vROL(BCi, Eka, 3); vxor(Eme, Eme, De); vROL(BCo, Eme, 45); vxor(Esi, Esi, Di); vROL(BCu, Esi, 61); vXNA(Aga, BCa, BCe, BCi); vXNA(Age, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Agi, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Ago, BCo, BCu, BCa); vXNA(Agu, BCu, BCa, BCe); vxor(Ebe, Ebe, De); vROL(BCa, Ebe, 1); vxor(Egi, Egi, Di); vROL(BCe, Egi, 6); vxor(Eko, Eko, Do); vROL(BCi, Eko, 25); vxor(Emu, Emu, Du); vROL(BCo, Emu, 8); vxor(Esa, Esa, Da); vROL(BCu, Esa, 18); vXNA(Aka, BCa, BCe, BCi); vXNA(Ake, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Aki, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Ako, BCo, BCu, BCa); vXNA(Aku, BCu, BCa, BCe); vxor(Ebu, Ebu, Du); vROL(BCa, Ebu, 27); vxor(Ega, Ega, Da); vROL(BCe, Ega, 36); vxor(Eke, Eke, De); vROL(BCi, Eke, 10); vxor(Emi, Emi, Di); vROL(BCo, Emi, 15); vxor(Eso, Eso, Do); vROL(BCu, Eso, 56); vXNA(Ama, BCa, BCe, BCi); vXNA(Ame, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Ami, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Amo, BCo, BCu, BCa); vXNA(Amu, BCu, BCa, BCe); vxor(Ebi, Ebi, Di); vROL(BCa, Ebi, 62); vxor(Ego, Ego, Do); vROL(BCe, Ego, 55); vxor(Eku, Eku, Du); vROL(BCi, Eku, 39); vxor(Ema, Ema, Da); vROL(BCo, Ema, 41); vxor(Ese, Ese, De); vROL(BCu, Ese, 2); vXNA(Asa, BCa, BCe, BCi); vXNA(Ase, BCe, BCi, BCo); vXNA(Asi, BCi, BCo, BCu); vXNA(Aso, BCo, BCu, BCa); vXNA(Asu, BCu, BCa, BCe); } state[0] = Aba; state[1] = Abe; state[2] = Abi; state[3] = Abo; state[4] = Abu; state[5] = Aga; state[6] = Age; state[7] = Agi; state[8] = Ago; state[9] = Agu; state[10] = Aka; state[11] = Ake; state[12] = Aki; state[13] = Ako; state[14] = Aku; state[15] = Ama; state[16] = Ame; state[17] = Ami; state[18] = Amo; state[19] = Amu; state[20] = Asa; state[21] = Ase; state[22] = Asi; state[23] = Aso; state[24] = Asu; #endif } /************************************************* * Name: keccakx2_absorb * * Description: Absorb step of Keccak; * non-incremental, starts by zeroeing the state. * * Arguments: - uint64_t *s: pointer to (uninitialized) output Keccak state * - unsigned int r: rate in bytes (e.g., 168 for SHAKE128) * - const uint8_t *m: pointer to input to be absorbed into s * - size_t mlen: length of input in bytes * - uint8_t p: domain-separation byte for different * Keccak-derived functions **************************************************/ static void keccakx2_absorb(v128 s[25], unsigned int r, const uint8_t *in0, const uint8_t *in1, size_t inlen, uint8_t p) { size_t i, pos = 0; // Declare SIMD registers v128 tmp, mask; uint64x1_t a, b; uint64x2_t a1, b1, atmp1, btmp1; uint64x2x2_t a2, b2, atmp2, btmp2; // End for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i) { s[i] = vdupq_n_u64(0); } // Load in0[i] to register, then in1[i] to register, exchange them while (inlen >= r) { for (i = 0; i < r / 8 - 1; i += 4) { a2 = vld1q_u64_x2((uint64_t *)&in0[pos]); b2 = vld1q_u64_x2((uint64_t *)&in1[pos]); // BD = zip1(AB and CD) atmp2.val[0] = vzip1q_u64(a2.val[0], b2.val[0]); atmp2.val[1] = vzip1q_u64(a2.val[1], b2.val[1]); // AC = zip2(AB and CD) btmp2.val[0] = vzip2q_u64(a2.val[0], b2.val[0]); btmp2.val[1] = vzip2q_u64(a2.val[1], b2.val[1]); vxor(s[i + 0], s[i + 0], atmp2.val[0]); vxor(s[i + 1], s[i + 1], btmp2.val[0]); vxor(s[i + 2], s[i + 2], atmp2.val[1]); vxor(s[i + 3], s[i + 3], btmp2.val[1]); pos += 8 * 2 * 2; } // Last iteration i = r / 8 - 1; a = vld1_u64((uint64_t *)&in0[pos]); b = vld1_u64((uint64_t *)&in1[pos]); tmp = vcombine_u64(a, b); vxor(s[i], s[i], tmp); pos += 8; KeccakF1600_StatePermutex2(s); inlen -= r; } i = 0; while (inlen >= 16) { a1 = vld1q_u64((uint64_t *)&in0[pos]); b1 = vld1q_u64((uint64_t *)&in1[pos]); // BD = zip1(AB and CD) atmp1 = vzip1q_u64(a1, b1); // AC = zip2(AB and CD) btmp1 = vzip2q_u64(a1, b1); vxor(s[i + 0], s[i + 0], atmp1); vxor(s[i + 1], s[i + 1], btmp1); i += 2; pos += 8 * 2; inlen -= 8 * 2; } if (inlen >= 8) { a = vld1_u64((uint64_t *)&in0[pos]); b = vld1_u64((uint64_t *)&in1[pos]); tmp = vcombine_u64(a, b); vxor(s[i], s[i], tmp); i++; pos += 8; inlen -= 8; } if (inlen) { a = vld1_u64((uint64_t *)&in0[pos]); b = vld1_u64((uint64_t *)&in1[pos]); tmp = vcombine_u64(a, b); mask = vdupq_n_u64((1ULL << (8 * inlen)) - 1); tmp = vandq_u64(tmp, mask); vxor(s[i], s[i], tmp); } tmp = vdupq_n_u64((uint64_t)p << (8 * inlen)); vxor(s[i], s[i], tmp); mask = vdupq_n_u64(1ULL << 63); vxor(s[r / 8 - 1], s[r / 8 - 1], mask); } /************************************************* * Name: keccak_squeezeblocks * * Description: Squeeze step of Keccak. Squeezes full blocks of r bytes each. * Modifies the state. Can be called multiple times to keep * squeezing, i.e., is incremental. * * Arguments: - uint8_t *out: pointer to output blocks * - size_t nblocks: number of blocks to be squeezed (written to h) * - unsigned int r: rate in bytes (e.g., 168 for SHAKE128) * - uint64_t *s: pointer to input/output Keccak state **************************************************/ static void keccakx2_squeezeblocks(uint8_t *out0, uint8_t *out1, size_t nblocks, unsigned int r, v128 s[25]) { unsigned int i; uint64x1_t a, b; uint64x2x2_t a2, b2; while (nblocks > 0) { KeccakF1600_StatePermutex2(s); for (i = 0; i < r / 8 - 1; i += 4) { a2.val[0] = vuzp1q_u64(s[i], s[i + 1]); b2.val[0] = vuzp2q_u64(s[i], s[i + 1]); a2.val[1] = vuzp1q_u64(s[i + 2], s[i + 3]); b2.val[1] = vuzp2q_u64(s[i + 2], s[i + 3]); vst1q_u64_x2((uint64_t *)out0, a2); vst1q_u64_x2((uint64_t *)out1, b2); out0 += 32; out1 += 32; } i = r / 8 - 1; // Last iteration a = vget_low_u64(s[i]); b = vget_high_u64(s[i]); vst1_u64((uint64_t *)out0, a); vst1_u64((uint64_t *)out1, b); out0 += 8; out1 += 8; --nblocks; } } /************************************************* * Name: shake128x2_absorb * * Description: Absorb step of the SHAKE128 XOF. * non-incremental, starts by zeroeing the state. * * Arguments: - keccakx2_state *state: pointer to (uninitialized) output * Keccak state * - const uint8_t *in: pointer to input to be absorbed into s * - size_t inlen: length of input in bytes **************************************************/ void shake128x2_absorb(keccakx2_state *state, const uint8_t *in0, const uint8_t *in1, size_t inlen) { keccakx2_absorb(state->s, SHAKE128_RATE, in0, in1, inlen, 0x1F); } /************************************************* * Name: shake128_squeezeblocks * * Description: Squeeze step of SHAKE128 XOF. Squeezes full blocks of * SHAKE128_RATE bytes each. Modifies the state. Can be called * multiple times to keep squeezing, i.e., is incremental. * * Arguments: - uint8_t *out: pointer to output blocks * - size_t nblocks: number of blocks to be squeezed * (written to output) * - keccakx2_state *s: pointer to input/output Keccak state **************************************************/ void shake128x2_squeezeblocks(uint8_t *out0, uint8_t *out1, size_t nblocks, keccakx2_state *state) { keccakx2_squeezeblocks(out0, out1, nblocks, SHAKE128_RATE, state->s); } /************************************************* * Name: shake256_absorb * * Description: Absorb step of the SHAKE256 XOF. * non-incremental, starts by zeroeing the state. * * Arguments: - keccakx2_state *s: pointer to (uninitialized) output Keccak state * - const uint8_t *in: pointer to input to be absorbed into s * - size_t inlen: length of input in bytes **************************************************/ void shake256x2_absorb(keccakx2_state *state, const uint8_t *in0, const uint8_t *in1, size_t inlen) { keccakx2_absorb(state->s, SHAKE256_RATE, in0, in1, inlen, 0x1F); } /************************************************* * Name: shake256_squeezeblocks * * Description: Squeeze step of SHAKE256 XOF. Squeezes full blocks of * SHAKE256_RATE bytes each. Modifies the state. Can be called * multiple times to keep squeezing, i.e., is incremental. * * Arguments: - uint8_t *out: pointer to output blocks * - size_t nblocks: number of blocks to be squeezed * (written to output) * - keccakx2_state *s: pointer to input/output Keccak state **************************************************/ void shake256x2_squeezeblocks(uint8_t *out0, uint8_t *out1, size_t nblocks, keccakx2_state *state) { keccakx2_squeezeblocks(out0, out1, nblocks, SHAKE256_RATE, state->s); } /************************************************* * Name: shake128 * * Description: SHAKE128 XOF with non-incremental API * * Arguments: - uint8_t *out: pointer to output * - size_t outlen: requested output length in bytes * - const uint8_t *in: pointer to input * - size_t inlen: length of input in bytes **************************************************/ void shake128x2(uint8_t *out0, uint8_t *out1, size_t outlen, const uint8_t *in0, const uint8_t *in1, size_t inlen) { unsigned int i; size_t nblocks = outlen / SHAKE128_RATE; uint8_t t[2][SHAKE128_RATE]; keccakx2_state state; shake128x2_absorb(&state, in0, in1, inlen); shake128x2_squeezeblocks(out0, out1, nblocks, &state); out0 += nblocks * SHAKE128_RATE; out1 += nblocks * SHAKE128_RATE; outlen -= nblocks * SHAKE128_RATE; if (outlen) { shake128x2_squeezeblocks(t[0], t[1], 1, &state); for (i = 0; i < outlen; ++i) { out0[i] = t[0][i]; out1[i] = t[1][i]; } } } /************************************************* * Name: shake256 * * Description: SHAKE256 XOF with non-incremental API * * Arguments: - uint8_t *out: pointer to output * - size_t outlen: requested output length in bytes * - const uint8_t *in: pointer to input * - size_t inlen: length of input in bytes **************************************************/ void shake256x2(uint8_t *out0, uint8_t *out1, size_t outlen, const uint8_t *in0, const uint8_t *in1, size_t inlen) { unsigned int i; size_t nblocks = outlen / SHAKE256_RATE; uint8_t t[2][SHAKE256_RATE]; keccakx2_state state; shake256x2_absorb(&state, in0, in1, inlen); shake256x2_squeezeblocks(out0, out1, nblocks, &state); out0 += nblocks * SHAKE256_RATE; out1 += nblocks * SHAKE256_RATE; outlen -= nblocks * SHAKE256_RATE; if (outlen) { shake256x2_squeezeblocks(t[0], t[1], 1, &state); for (i = 0; i < outlen; ++i) { out0[i] = t[0][i]; out1[i] = t[1][i]; } } }