# This Makefile can be used with Microsoft Visual Studio's nmake using the command:
#    nmake /f Makefile.Microsoft_nmake

OBJECTS=bch.obj fft.obj gf.obj gf2x.obj hqc.obj kem.obj parsing.obj repetition.obj tensor.obj vector.obj util.obj

# We ignore warning C4127: we sometimes use a conditional that depending
# on the parameters results in a case where if (const) is the case.
# The compiler should just optimise this away, but on MSVC we get
# a compiler complaint.
CFLAGS=/nologo /O2 /I ..\..\..\common /W4 /WX /wd4127

all: $(LIBRARY)

# Make sure objects are recompiled if headers change.
$(OBJECTS): *.h

    LIB.EXE /NOLOGO /WX /OUT:$@ $**
