#include "api.h" #include "crypto_sort_uint32.h" #include "crypto_stream_aes256ctr.h" #include "params.h" #include "randombytes.h" #include "sha2.h" #include /* for abort() in case of OpenSSL failures */ #define int8 int8_t #define int16 int16_t #define int32 int32_t #define uint16 uint16_t #define uint32 uint32_t #define uint64 uint64_t /* ----- masks */ /* return -1 if x<0; otherwise return 0 */ static int int16_negative_mask(int16 x) { uint16 u = (uint16) x; u >>= 15; return -(int) u; /* alternative with gcc -fwrapv: */ /* x>>15 compiles to CPU's arithmetic right shift */ } /* ----- arithmetic mod 3 */ typedef int8 small; /* F3 is always represented as -1,0,1 */ /* ----- arithmetic mod q */ #define q12 ((q-1)/2) typedef int16 Fq; /* works for -7000000 < x < 7000000 if q in 4591, 4621, 5167, 6343, 7177, 7879 */ /* assumes twos complement; use, e.g., gcc -fwrapv */ static Fq Fq_freeze(int32 x) { x -= (int32) (q * ((q18 * x) >> 18)); x -= (int32) (q * ((q27 * x + 67108864) >> 27)); return (Fq) x; } /* works for all uint32 x */ static Fq Fq_bigfreeze(uint32 x) { x -= (uint32) (q * ((x * (uint64)q31) >> 31)); x -= (uint32) (q * ((x * (uint64)q31) >> 31)); x -= q; x += (~(x >> 31) + 1) & (uint32)q; return (Fq) x; } /* ----- Top and Right */ static int8 Top(Fq C) { return (int8) ((tau1 * (int32)(C + tau0) + 16384) >> 15); } static Fq Right(int8 T) { return Fq_freeze(tau3 * (int32)T - tau2); } /* ----- polynomials mod q */ /* h = h*g in the ring Rq */ static void Rq_mult_small(Fq *h, const small *g) { crypto_encode_pxint16((unsigned char *) h, h); crypto_core_mult((unsigned char *) h, (const unsigned char *) h, (const unsigned char *) g); crypto_decode_pxint16(h, (const unsigned char *) h); } /* ----- sorting to generate short polynomial */ static void Short_fromlist(small *out, const uint32 *in) { uint32 L[ppadsort]; int i; for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) { L[i] = in[i] & (uint32) - 2; } for (i = w; i < p; ++i) { L[i] = (in[i] & (uint32) - 3) | 1; } for (i = p; i < ppadsort; ++i) { L[i] = 0xffffffff; } PQCLEAN_NTRULPR1013_CLEAN_crypto_sort_uint32(L, ppadsort); for (i = 0; i < p; ++i) { out[i] = (small) ((L[i] & 3) - 1); } } /* ----- underlying hash function */ #define Hash_bytes 32 static void Hash(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, int inlen) { unsigned char h[64]; int i; sha512(h, in, (size_t) inlen); for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { out[i] = h[i]; } } /* ----- higher-level randomness */ static void Short_random(small *out) { uint32 L[p]; randombytes((unsigned char *) L, sizeof L); crypto_decode_pxint32(L, (unsigned char *) L); Short_fromlist(out, L); } /* ----- Inputs, Generator */ typedef int8 Inputs[I]; /* passed by reference */ static const unsigned char aes_nonce[16] = {0}; /* G = Generator(pk) */ static void Generator(Fq *G, const unsigned char *pk) { uint32 L[p]; int i; if (PQCLEAN_NTRULPR1013_CLEAN_crypto_stream_aes256ctr((unsigned char *) L, 4 * p, aes_nonce, pk) != 0) { abort(); } crypto_decode_pxint32(L, (unsigned char *) L); for (i = 0; i < p; ++i) { G[i] = Fq_bigfreeze(L[i]) - q12; } } /* ----- NTRU LPRime */ #define Seeds_bytes 32 #define Ciphertexts_bytes (Rounded_bytes+Top_bytes) #define SecretKeys_bytes Small_bytes #define PublicKeys_bytes (Seeds_bytes+Rounded_bytes) #define Confirm_bytes 32 /* c,r_enc[1:] = Hide(r,pk,cache); cache is Hash4(pk) */ static void Hide(unsigned char *c, unsigned char *r_enc, const Inputs r, const unsigned char *pk, const unsigned char *cache) { small b[p]; int i; Inputs_encode(r_enc + 1, r); { unsigned char h[Hash_bytes]; uint32 L[p]; { unsigned char s[1 + Inputs_bytes]; Inputs_encode(s + 1, r); s[0] = 5; Hash(h, s, sizeof s); } if (PQCLEAN_NTRULPR1013_CLEAN_crypto_stream_aes256ctr((unsigned char *) L, 4 * p, aes_nonce, h) != 0) { abort(); } crypto_decode_pxint32(L, (unsigned char *) L); Short_fromlist(b, L); } { Fq bG[p]; Generator(bG, pk); Rq_mult_small(bG, b); Round_and_encode(c, bG); c += Rounded_bytes; } { Fq bA[p]; int8 T[I]; Rounded_decode(bA, pk + Seeds_bytes); Rq_mult_small(bA, b); for (i = 0; i < I; ++i) { T[i] = Top(Fq_freeze(bA[i] + r[i] * q12)); } Top_encode(c, T); c += Top_bytes; } { unsigned char x[1 + Inputs_bytes + Hash_bytes]; for (i = 0; i < Inputs_bytes; ++i) { x[1 + i] = r_enc[1 + i]; } for (i = 0; i < Hash_bytes; ++i) { x[1 + Inputs_bytes + i] = cache[i]; } x[0] = 2; Hash(c, x, sizeof x); } } int PQCLEAN_NTRULPR1013_CLEAN_crypto_kem_keypair(uint8_t *pk, uint8_t *sk) { Fq aG[p]; int i; randombytes(pk, Seeds_bytes); Generator(aG, pk); { small a[p]; Short_random(a); Rq_mult_small(aG, a); Small_encode(sk, a); } Round_and_encode(pk + Seeds_bytes, aG); { unsigned char sksave = sk[SecretKeys_bytes - 1]; for (i = 0; i < PublicKeys_bytes; ++i) { sk[SecretKeys_bytes + i] = pk[i]; } sk[SecretKeys_bytes - 1] = 4; Hash(sk + SecretKeys_bytes + PublicKeys_bytes + Inputs_bytes, sk + SecretKeys_bytes - 1, 1 + PublicKeys_bytes); sk[SecretKeys_bytes - 1] = sksave; randombytes(sk + SecretKeys_bytes + PublicKeys_bytes, Inputs_bytes); } return 0; } int PQCLEAN_NTRULPR1013_CLEAN_crypto_kem_enc(uint8_t *c, uint8_t *k, const uint8_t *pk) { int i; unsigned char cache[Hash_bytes]; { unsigned char y[1 + PublicKeys_bytes]; for (i = 0; i < PublicKeys_bytes; ++i) { y[1 + i] = pk[i]; } y[0] = 4; Hash(cache, y, sizeof y); } Inputs r; { unsigned char s[Inputs_bytes]; randombytes(s, sizeof s); Inputs_decode(r, s); } { unsigned char x[1 + Inputs_bytes + Ciphertexts_bytes + Confirm_bytes]; Hide(c, x, r, pk, cache); for (i = 0; i < Ciphertexts_bytes + Confirm_bytes; ++i) { x[1 + Inputs_bytes + i] = c[i]; } x[0] = 1; Hash(k, x, sizeof x); } return 0; } int PQCLEAN_NTRULPR1013_CLEAN_crypto_kem_dec(uint8_t *k, const uint8_t *c, const uint8_t *sk) { const unsigned char *pk = sk + SecretKeys_bytes; const unsigned char *rho = pk + PublicKeys_bytes; const unsigned char *cache = rho + Inputs_bytes; Inputs r; int i; { Fq aB[p]; Rounded_decode(aB, c); { small a[p]; Small_decode(a, sk); Rq_mult_small(aB, a); } { int8 T[I]; Top_decode(T, c + Rounded_bytes); for (i = 0; i < I; ++i) { r[i] = (int8) - int16_negative_mask(Fq_freeze(Right(T[i]) - aB[i] + 4 * w + 1)); } } } { unsigned char cnew[Ciphertexts_bytes + Confirm_bytes]; int mask; unsigned char x[1 + Inputs_bytes + Ciphertexts_bytes + Confirm_bytes]; Hide(cnew, x, r, pk, cache); mask = crypto_verify_clen(c, cnew); for (i = 0; i < Inputs_bytes; ++i) { x[1 + i] ^= (unsigned char) (mask & (x[1 + i] ^ rho[i])); } for (i = 0; i < Ciphertexts_bytes + Confirm_bytes; ++i) { x[1 + Inputs_bytes + i] = c[i]; } x[0] = (unsigned char) (1 + mask); Hash(k, x, sizeof x); } return 0; }