use std::sync::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use crate::config::NumberOfQuestions; const DURATION_ZERO: Duration = Duration::new(0, 0); pub struct Lock { stats: RwLock, } impl Lock { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { stats: RwLock::new(Stats { number_of_questions: NumberOfQuestions::Infinite, number_of_answered_questions: 0, number_of_correct_answers: 0, start_time: Instant::now(), current_question_start_time: Instant::now(), current_question_answered: false, time_per_question: vec![], }), } } pub fn start(&self, number_of_questions: NumberOfQuestions) { self.write().start(number_of_questions); } pub fn start_new_question(&self) { self.write().start_new_question(); } pub fn answer_question(&self, correct: bool) { self.write().answer_question(correct); } pub fn get_summary(&self) -> String { } pub fn get_number_of_correct_answers(&self) -> String { } pub fn get_number_of_remaining_questions(&self) -> u32 { } /// Calculates accuracy. Takes into account total number of questions. /// Returns "0.00" for Infinite mode. pub fn get_total_accuracy(&self) -> String { } /// Calculates accuracy. Takes into account questions answered so far. pub fn get_current_accuracy(&self) -> String { } /// Preferably call this method first to stop the timer as early as possible pub fn get_total_time(&self) -> String { } pub fn get_last_question_time(&self) -> String { } pub fn get_min_question_time(&self) -> String { } pub fn get_max_question_time(&self) -> String { } pub fn get_avg_question_time(&self) -> String { } fn write(&self) -> RwLockWriteGuard { self.stats.write().expect("Stats are blocked") } fn read(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard {"Stats are blocked") } } struct Stats { number_of_questions: NumberOfQuestions, number_of_answered_questions: u32, number_of_correct_answers: u32, start_time: Instant, current_question_start_time: Instant, current_question_answered: bool, time_per_question: Vec, } impl Stats { pub fn start(&mut self, number_of_questions: NumberOfQuestions) { self.number_of_questions = number_of_questions; self.start_time = Instant::now(); } pub fn start_new_question(&mut self) { self.current_question_start_time = Instant::now(); self.current_question_answered = false; } pub fn answer_question(&mut self, correct: bool) { if self.current_question_answered { // Question has already been answered, so it's a second attempt // Update total time, but don't mark as correct even if current answer matches *self .time_per_question .last_mut() .expect("answer_question incorrectly called") = self.current_question_start_time.elapsed(); } else { self.time_per_question .push(self.current_question_start_time.elapsed()); self.number_of_answered_questions += 1; if correct { self.number_of_correct_answers += 1; } self.current_question_answered = true; } } pub fn get_summary(&self) -> String { match self.number_of_questions { NumberOfQuestions::Infinite => { format!("Questions total: {}", self.number_of_answered_questions) } NumberOfQuestions::Limited(total) => format!( "Questions total: {}, answers: {}, skipped: {}", total, self.number_of_answered_questions, self.get_number_of_remaining_questions() ), } } pub fn get_number_of_correct_answers(&self) -> String { format!( "{}/{}", self.number_of_correct_answers, self.number_of_answered_questions ) } pub fn get_number_of_remaining_questions(&self) -> u32 { match self.number_of_questions { NumberOfQuestions::Infinite => 0, NumberOfQuestions::Limited(total) => total - self.number_of_answered_questions, } } pub fn get_total_accuracy(&self) -> String { let divisor = match self.number_of_questions { NumberOfQuestions::Infinite => 0, NumberOfQuestions::Limited(num) => num, }; self.get_accuracy(divisor) } pub fn get_current_accuracy(&self) -> String { let divisor = self.number_of_answered_questions; self.get_accuracy(divisor) } fn get_accuracy(&self, divisor: u32) -> String { let acc = if divisor == 0 { 0.0 } else { f64::from(self.number_of_correct_answers) / f64::from(divisor) } * 100.0; format!("{acc:.2}%") } pub fn get_total_time(&self) -> String { let total_time = self.start_time.elapsed(); Self::format_duration(&total_time) } pub fn get_last_question_time(&self) -> String { let time = self .time_per_question .last() .expect("No questions answered so far"); Self::format_duration(time) } pub fn get_min_question_time(&self) -> String { let min_time = self .time_per_question .iter() .min() .unwrap_or(&DURATION_ZERO); Self::format_duration(min_time) } pub fn get_max_question_time(&self) -> String { let max_time = self .time_per_question .iter() .max() .unwrap_or(&DURATION_ZERO); Self::format_duration(max_time) } pub fn get_avg_question_time(&self) -> String { let total_time = self.time_per_question.iter().sum::(); let answered_questions = u32::try_from(self.time_per_question.len()) .expect("Time per question vector len > u32::MAX"); if answered_questions == 0 { Self::format_duration(&DURATION_ZERO) } else { Self::format_duration(&(total_time / answered_questions)) } } fn format_duration(duration: &Duration) -> String { let hours = (duration.as_secs() / 60) / 60; let minutes = (duration.as_secs() / 60) % 60; let seconds = duration.as_secs() % 60; let milliseconds = Self::truncate_trailing_zeros(duration.subsec_millis()); let mut time = String::new(); if hours > 0 { time.push_str(&format!("{hours}h ")); time.push_str(&format!("{minutes}m ")); } else if minutes > 0 { time.push_str(&format!("{minutes}m ")); } time.push_str(&format!("{seconds}.{milliseconds}s")); time } fn truncate_trailing_zeros(number: u32) -> String { let mut number = format!("{number:0>3}"); while number.ends_with('0') && number.len() > 1 { number.pop(); } number } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::thread::sleep; use super::*; #[test] fn build_and_verify_stats_limited_questions() { let stats = Lock::new(); stats.start(NumberOfQuestions::Limited(10)); assert_eq!(stats.get_number_of_correct_answers(), "0/0"); assert_eq!(stats.get_number_of_remaining_questions(), 10); assert_eq!(stats.get_total_accuracy(), "0.00%"); assert_eq!(stats.get_current_accuracy(), "0.00%"); } #[test] fn build_and_verify_stats_unlimited_questions() { let stats = Lock::new(); stats.start(NumberOfQuestions::Infinite); assert_eq!(stats.get_number_of_correct_answers(), "0/0"); assert_eq!( stats.get_number_of_remaining_questions(), 0, "Should always return 0 for infinite mode" ); assert_eq!(stats.get_total_accuracy(), "0.00%"); assert_eq!(stats.get_current_accuracy(), "0.00%"); } #[test] fn start_and_answer_some_questions_limited_questions() { let stats = Lock::new(); stats.start(NumberOfQuestions::Limited(10)); // 3 correct answers for _ in 0..3 { stats.start_new_question(); stats.answer_question(true); } assert_eq!(, 3); // 3 incorrect answers for _ in 0..3 { stats.start_new_question(); stats.answer_question(false); } assert_eq!(, 6); assert_eq!(stats.get_number_of_correct_answers(), "3/6"); assert_eq!(stats.get_number_of_remaining_questions(), 4); assert_eq!(stats.get_total_accuracy(), "30.00%"); assert_eq!(stats.get_current_accuracy(), "50.00%"); let summary = stats.get_summary(); assert!(summary.contains("Questions total: 10")); assert!(summary.contains("answers: 6")); assert!(summary.contains("skipped: 4")); } #[test] fn start_and_answer_some_questions_unlimited_questions() { let stats = Lock::new(); stats.start(NumberOfQuestions::Infinite); // 3 correct answers for _ in 0..3 { stats.start_new_question(); stats.answer_question(true); } assert_eq!(, 3); // 3 incorrect answers for _ in 0..3 { stats.start_new_question(); stats.answer_question(false); } assert_eq!(, 6); assert_eq!(stats.get_number_of_correct_answers(), "3/6"); assert_eq!( stats.get_number_of_remaining_questions(), 0, "Should always return 0 for infinite mode" ); assert_eq!( stats.get_total_accuracy(), "0.00%", "Should always return 0.00% for infinite mode" ); assert_eq!(stats.get_current_accuracy(), "50.00%"); let summary = stats.get_summary(); assert!(summary.contains("Questions total: 6")); } #[test] fn repeating_wrong_answer_limited_questions() { let stats = Lock::new(); stats.start(NumberOfQuestions::Limited(10)); // 3 correct answers for _ in 0..3 { stats.start_new_question(); stats.answer_question(true); } assert_eq!(, 3); // Answering incorrectly first (Repeat mode) stats.start_new_question(); stats.answer_question(false); assert_eq!(, 4); stats.answer_question(false); assert_eq!(, 4); stats.answer_question(false); assert_eq!(, 4); stats.answer_question(true); assert_eq!(, 4); assert_eq!( stats.get_number_of_correct_answers(), "3/4", "Answering incorrectly for the first time == incorrect answer" ); assert_eq!(stats.get_number_of_remaining_questions(), 6); assert_eq!(stats.get_total_accuracy(), "30.00%"); assert_eq!(stats.get_current_accuracy(), "75.00%"); let summary = stats.get_summary(); assert!(summary.contains("Questions total: 10")); assert!(summary.contains("answers: 4")); assert!(summary.contains("skipped: 6")); } #[test] fn repeating_wrong_answer_unlimited_questions() { let stats = Lock::new(); stats.start(NumberOfQuestions::Infinite); // 3 correct answers for _ in 0..3 { stats.start_new_question(); stats.answer_question(true); } assert_eq!(, 3); // Answering incorrectly first (Repeat mode) stats.start_new_question(); stats.answer_question(false); assert_eq!(, 4); stats.answer_question(false); assert_eq!(, 4); stats.answer_question(false); assert_eq!(, 4); stats.answer_question(true); assert_eq!(, 4); assert_eq!( stats.get_number_of_correct_answers(), "3/4", "Answering incorrectly for the first time == incorrect answer" ); assert_eq!(stats.get_current_accuracy(), "75.00%"); let summary = stats.get_summary(); assert!(summary.contains("Questions total: 4")); } #[test] fn time_stats_no_questions() { let stats = Lock::new(); stats.start(NumberOfQuestions::Infinite); sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); let max_time = stats.get_max_question_time(); let min_time = stats.get_min_question_time(); let avg_time = stats.get_avg_question_time(); assert_eq!(max_time, "0.0s"); assert_eq!(min_time, "0.0s"); assert_eq!(avg_time, "0.0s"); let total_time = stats.get_total_time(); assert_ne!(total_time, "0.0s"); } #[test] fn time_stats_one_question() { let stats = Lock::new(); stats.start(NumberOfQuestions::Infinite); stats.start_new_question(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); stats.answer_question(true); let max_time = stats.get_max_question_time(); let min_time = stats.get_min_question_time(); let avg_time = stats.get_avg_question_time(); assert_eq!(max_time, min_time); assert_eq!(min_time, avg_time); assert_ne!(max_time, "0.0s"); } /// This test is flaky and might fail in some unforeseen scenarios #[test] fn time_stats_two_questions() { let stats = Lock::new(); stats.start(NumberOfQuestions::Infinite); stats.start_new_question(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)); stats.answer_question(true); stats.start_new_question(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(400)); stats.answer_question(true); let max_time = stats.get_max_question_time(); let min_time = stats.get_min_question_time(); let avg_time = stats.get_avg_question_time(); assert_ne!(max_time, min_time); assert_ne!(min_time, avg_time); assert_ne!(max_time, avg_time); assert_ne!(max_time, "0.0s", "Should be **more or less** 0.4s"); assert_ne!(min_time, "0.0s", "Should be **more or less** 0.05s"); assert_ne!(avg_time, "0.0s", "Should be **more or less** 0.225s"); } #[test] fn duration_format() { assert_eq!(Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(0)), "0.0s"); assert_eq!(Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(1)), "0.001s"); assert_eq!(Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(10)), "0.01s"); assert_eq!(Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(11)), "0.011s"); assert_eq!(Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(100)), "0.1s"); assert_eq!( Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(101)), "0.101s" ); assert_eq!(Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(110)), "0.11s"); assert_eq!( Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(111)), "0.111s" ); assert_eq!(Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(1000)), "1.0s"); assert_eq!( Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(1001)), "1.001s" ); assert_eq!( Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(10 * 1000)), "10.0s" ); assert_eq!( Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(60 * 1000)), "1m 0.0s" ); assert_eq!( Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(10 * 60 * 1000)), "10m 0.0s" ); assert_eq!( Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(60 * 60 * 1000)), "1h 0m 0.0s" ); assert_eq!( Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(168 * 60 * 60 * 1000)), "168h 0m 0.0s" ); assert_eq!( Stats::format_duration(&Duration::from_millis(3 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + 5 * 60 * 1000 + 7 * 1000 + 93)), "3h 5m 7.093s" ); } }