package pagerduty; import static io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.handlebars.ExtensionHelper.getBooleanValue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import io.swagger.codegen.v3.*; import io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.util.OpenAPIUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI; import; import; import; import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.RequestBody; import io.swagger.v3.core.util.Json; public class PagerDutyCodegen extends RustServerCodegen { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PagerDutyCodegen.class); public PagerDutyCodegen() { super(); // This client does not generate Rust API endpoints from java, it just generates models. supportingFiles.remove(new SupportingFile("endpoints.mustache", "src/endpoints", "")); apiTemplateFiles.remove("api.mustache"); cliOptions.add(CliOption.newString("targetApiPrefix", "target model prefix")); supportingFiles.remove(new SupportingFile("models.mustache", "src", "")); cliOptions.add(CliOption.newString("skipSerializingIfNone", "whether to serialize None as fields with null javascript values")); } @Override public void processOpts() { super.processOpts(); // This overrides the target path for the models being generated, // which is useful when the upstream vendor has multiple openapi // schemas for different parts of the API. if (additionalProperties.get("targetApiPrefix") != null) { supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("models.mustache", "src", String.format("", additionalProperties.get("targetApiPrefix")))); } } private static final Map patchOperationBodyNames = new HashMap(); private static final Map> referenceOverrideExceptions = new HashMap(); static { referenceOverrideExceptions.put("Incident", Arrays.asList("LogEntry")); referenceOverrideExceptions.put("Team", Arrays.asList("Team")); referenceOverrideExceptions.put("ResolveReason", Arrays.asList("Incident")); // Note: this is really MergeIncidents referenceOverrideExceptions.put("IdMergeBody", Arrays.asList("Incident")); } @Override public void preprocessOpenAPI(OpenAPI openAPI) { Info info = openAPI.getInfo(); List versionComponents = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(info.getVersion().split("[.]"))); while (versionComponents.size() < 3) { // Add the package version as a version component to the official specification // version versionComponents.add(additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.PACKAGE_VERSION)); } info.setVersion(StringUtils.join(versionComponents, ".")); super.preprocessOpenAPI(openAPI); } @Override public String getTypeDeclaration(Schema p) { String type = super.getTypeDeclaration(p); // This is a "fallback" type, and allows some parts of the API // that receive an empty JSON '{}' value. if ("object".equals(type)) { type = "HashMap"; } return type; } @Override public CodegenModel fromModel(String name, Schema schema, Map allDefinitions) { //List excludedModels = ArrayList("AllOfOrchestrationUnrouted_orchestration_path_rulesActions"); // This model schema crashes the generator - do not remove // We generate a dummy model and return before calling the super method if (name.equals("inline_response_200_11") || name.equals("AllOfOrchestrationUnrouted_orchestration_path_rulesActions") || name.equals("AllOfServiceOrchestration_orchestration_path_catch_allActions") || name.equals("AllOfServiceOrchestration_orchestration_path_rulesActions")) { final CodegenModel codegenModel = CodegenModelFactory.newInstance(CodegenModelType.MODEL); if (reservedWords.contains(name)) { = escapeReservedWord(name); } else { = name; } codegenModel.title = escapeText(schema.getTitle()); codegenModel.description = escapeText(schema.getDescription()); codegenModel.unescapedDescription = schema.getDescription(); codegenModel.classname = toModelName(name); codegenModel.classVarName = toVarName(name); codegenModel.classFilename = toModelFilename(name); codegenModel.modelJson = Json.pretty(schema); codegenModel.externalDocumentation = schema.getExternalDocs(); return codegenModel; } CodegenModel mdl = super.fromModel(name, schema, allDefinitions); // Partially deal with inline object polymorphism: 'anyOf' and 'oneOf'. if (schema instanceof ComposedSchema) { ComposedSchema composedSchema = (ComposedSchema) schema; if (composedSchema.getAllOf() != null) { List schemas; schemas = composedSchema.getAllOf(); for (Schema subSchema : schemas) { String type = getTypeDeclaration(subSchema); // Address swagger generator's limitation in generating // polymorphic models with a deep reference into a composed // openaPI schema. // // For some specific types we manually add properties from // the `Tag` Schema. In other cases, we infer the parent // schema and copy properties from there. // if (type.endsWith("/allOf/0") || type.equals("Reference") ||"ContactMethod")) { Schema refSchema = null; String ref = null; if (type.endsWith("/allOf/0")) { // Copy properties from the parent model of a composed schema deep link String prefix = type.substring(0, type.length() - 8); String parentModel; // In some cases we have an absolute reference, in others we don't if (prefix.indexOf("/") >= 0) { parentModel = prefix.substring(0, prefix.lastIndexOf("/")); } else { parentModel = prefix; } ref = io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.util.OpenAPIUtil.getSimpleRef(parentModel); } else { ref = io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.util.OpenAPIUtil.getSimpleRef("Tag"); } // Some fields on a `Reference` are required and can be // auto-filled. These are special-cased in the handlebars template. List> defaultImpl = new ArrayList(); Map labelImpl = new HashMap(); labelImpl.put("key", "label"); labelImpl.put("value", name); defaultImpl.add(labelImpl); Map typeImpl = new HashMap(); typeImpl.put("key", "_type"); typeImpl.put("value", underscore(name)); defaultImpl.add(typeImpl); // Marking the model with a default impl will trigger a non-derived Default mdl.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-default-impl", defaultImpl); mdl.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-has-default-impl", true); if (allDefinitions != null) { refSchema = allDefinitions.get(ref); if (refSchema instanceof ComposedSchema) { final ComposedSchema refComposed = (ComposedSchema) refSchema; final List allOf = refComposed.getAllOf(); if (allOf != null && !allOf.isEmpty()) { for (Schema interfaceSchema : allOf) { if (interfaceSchema.getProperties() != null) { List> propertyList = new ArrayList>( interfaceSchema.getProperties().entrySet()); final int totalCount = propertyList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; i++) { Map.Entry entry = propertyList.get(i); final String key = entry.getKey(); final Schema propertySchema = entry.getValue(); if ( -> p.baseName.equals(key)) .collect( { final CodegenProperty codegenProperty = fromProperty(key, propertySchema); // Copy the Tag model properties into the current model mdl.vars.add(0, codegenProperty); } } } } } } } for (CodegenProperty codegenProperty : mdl.vars) { if ("label") ||"_type")) { codegenProperty.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-is-required", true); // Marking the property with a default impl // ensures that properties like `type` are set // appropriately in a non-derive Default // implementation if ("_type")) { codegenProperty.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-default-impl", underscore(; } else { codegenProperty.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-default-impl",; } codegenProperty.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-has-default-impl", true); } } } // Tag pagination models with their inner data type. if (type.equals("Pagination")) { for (CodegenProperty item : mdl.vars) { if (item.containerType != null && item.containerType.equals("array")) { mdl.getVendorExtensions().put("x-codegen-pagination-response-inner", item.items.datatype); } } } } } } return mdl; } @Override public CodegenProperty fromProperty(String name, Schema propertySchema) { CodegenProperty prop = super.fromProperty(name, propertySchema); // Address models that seem to be missing in the swagger generator // 'fromModel' pass. These are mostly composed schemas. We check properties, // fill appropriate vendor extensions and deal with these exceptions at // the template level. // // In some cases, these are enums, of which we handle in three ways // (only the latter two are handled in this part of the code): // - An enumeration of constant strings; // - An enumeration of models, if the swagger generator can handle // the reference; // - An enumeration of anonymous structs, for openAPI references that // the swagger generator doesn't handle. // // In other cases, we generate an inline model and pass it in vendor // extensions. if (propertySchema instanceof ComposedSchema) { ComposedSchema composedSchema = (ComposedSchema) propertySchema; if (composedSchema.getOneOf() != null || composedSchema.getAnyOf() != null) { List schemas; if (composedSchema.getAnyOf() != null) { schemas = composedSchema.getAnyOf(); } else { schemas = composedSchema.getOneOf(); } HashMap allowableValues = new HashMap(); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); ArrayList> enumVars = new ArrayList(); ArrayList> enumComplex = new ArrayList(); prop.enumName = "Enum"; for (Schema subSchema : schemas) { if (subSchema.get$ref() != null) { String ref = OpenAPIUtil.getSimpleRef(subSchema.get$ref()); values.add(ref); HashMap enumVarsProp = new HashMap(); enumVarsProp.put("name", StringUtils.upperCase(underscore(ref))); enumVarsProp.put("value", ref); enumVars.add(enumVarsProp); prop.getVendorExtensions().put("is-enum", true); prop.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-is-untagged-enum", true); prop.enumName = camelize(name) + "Enum"; } else { if (subSchema.getProperties() != null) { CodegenModel mdl = fromModel(name, subSchema); HashMap enumVarsProp = new HashMap(); enumVarsProp.put("value", mdl); enumComplex.add(enumVarsProp); prop.getVendorExtensions().put("is-enum", true); prop.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-is-untagged-enum", true); prop.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-is-complex-enum", true); prop.enumName = camelize(name) + "Items"; } } } allowableValues.put("values", values); allowableValues.put("untaggedVars", enumVars); allowableValues.put("complexVars", enumComplex); prop.allowableValues = allowableValues; } else if (composedSchema.getAllOf() != null) { List schemas; schemas = composedSchema.getAllOf(); final CodegenModel codegenModel = CodegenModelFactory.newInstance(CodegenModelType.MODEL); if (reservedWords.contains(name)) { = escapeReservedWord(name); } else { = name; } codegenModel.classname = toModelName(name); codegenModel.classVarName = toVarName(name); codegenModel.classFilename = toModelFilename(name); List openApiRefs = new ArrayList(); for (Schema subSchema : schemas) { if (subSchema.get$ref() != null) { String ref = OpenAPIUtil.getSimpleRef(subSchema.get$ref()); if (!ref.equals(camelize(ref)) || ref.matches("^[0-9]*$")) { // Handle deep references that the swagger // generator cannot link. e.g. // #/components/schemas/OrchestrationUnrouted/allOf/1/properties/orchestration_path/properties/catch_all/properties/actions if (subSchema.get$ref().contains("OrchestrationUnrouted")) { openApiRefs.add("OrchestrationUnroutedOrchestrationPathCatchAllActions"); } else if (subSchema.get$ref().contains("ServiceOrchestration")) { openApiRefs.add("ServiceOrchestrationOrchestrationPathCatchAllActions"); } } else { openApiRefs.add(ref); } } else { CodegenModel subMdl = fromModel("tmp", subSchema); for (CodegenProperty subProp : subMdl.vars) { codegenModel.vars.add(subProp); } } } codegenModel.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-additional-var-refs", openApiRefs); prop.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-additional-model", codegenModel); } } return prop; } @Override public Map postProcessAllModels(Map objs) { Map newObjs = super.postProcessAllModels(objs); // Index all CodegenModels by model name. HashMap allModels = new HashMap(); for (Entry entry : objs.entrySet()) { String modelName = toModelName(entry.getKey()); Map inner = (Map) entry.getValue(); List> models = (List>) inner.get("models"); for (Map mo : models) { CodegenModel cm = (CodegenModel) mo.get("model"); allModels.put(cm.classname, cm); } } List inlineResponses = new ArrayList(); for (Entry entry : allModels.entrySet()) { CodegenModel model = entry.getValue(); if (model.getDataType() != null && model.getDataType().equals("object")) { model.setDataType(entry.getKey()); } if (model.getDataType() != null && model.getDataType().equals("boolean")) { model.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-is-bool", true); model.vendorExtensions.put("has-vars", true); } if (model.getDataType() != null && model.getDataType().equals("integer")) { model.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-is-integer", true); model.vendorExtensions.put("has-vars", true); } if (model.getDataType() != null && model.getDataType().equals("String")) { model.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-is-string", true); model.vendorExtensions.put("has-vars", true); } if (model.getDataType() != null && model.getDataType().equals("DateTime")) { model.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-is-datetime", true); model.vendorExtensions.put("has-vars", true); } if (model.arrayModelType != null) { model.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-is-array", true); model.vendorExtensions.put("has-vars", true); } if (model.getIsEnum()) { model.vendorExtensions.put("is-enum", true); } else if (model.vars.isEmpty() && !model.getIsArrayModel()) { // Do not generate 'empty' structs. // // Generally, these will be structs that the swagger generator // decided to include but failed to populate due to the model // being a composed schema. // // We now handle these by generating them through property // vendor extensions and templating. model.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-noop", true); } // We remove all inline generated types, as these are now encoded // into proc-macros and associated with individual endpoints. So, // for example, a response type for a 'get incident' API will have // an associated macro generated response struct. if (model.classname.startsWith("InlineResponse")) { if (model.classname.replace("InlineResponse", "").matches("^[0-9]*$")) { model.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-noop", true); } else { // We do want to generate nested Inline Response schemas, // where they are missing. String classname = model.classname.replaceFirst("^InlineResponse[0-9]*", ""); if (!inlineResponses.contains(classname) && !allModels.keySet().contains(classname)) { model.classname = classname; inlineResponses.add(classname); } else { model.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-noop", true); } } } for (CodegenProperty prop : model.vars) { if (getBooleanValue(prop, CodegenConstants.IS_ENUM_EXT_NAME)) { ArrayList> vars = (ArrayList>) prop.allowableValues .get("enumVars"); for (HashMap enumVar : vars) { String enumValue = enumVar.get("value"); // ensure we can deserialize inline enum values encoded as empty strings if (enumValue != null && enumValue.length() <= 2) { prop.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-has-empty-enum", true); } } } if (prop.baseName.equals( { prop.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-serde-no-rename", true); } if (prop.baseName.equals("score") && prop.datatype.equals("i64")) { prop.datatype = "f32"; } if (prop.datatype != null && prop.datatype.contains("_")) { prop.datatype = camelize(prop.datatype); } // Skip properties that exist but are empty strings if (prop.baseName != null && prop.baseName.isEmpty()) { prop.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-skip-prop", true); } // All PagerDuty `type` properties are Strings if (prop.baseName != null && prop.baseName.equals("type") && prop.datatype.equals("Value")) { prop.datatype = "String"; } if (prop.baseName != null && !prop.baseName.equals("type") && prop.allowableValues != null && prop.datatype.equals("String")) { ArrayList> vars = (ArrayList>) prop.allowableValues.get("enumVars"); if (vars != null && vars.size() > 0) { prop.vendorExtensions.put("is-enum", true); } } // For array types containing enums, where the swagger // generator failed to find a valid datatype, we set the type // to a standardised `classname`+`propertyname`+`Enum` if (prop.getItems() != null && prop.getItems().getVendorExtensions() != null && getBooleanValue(prop.getItems(), "is-enum") && prop.getItems().datatype.equals("Value")) { prop.getItems().datatype = camelize(model.classname) + prop.getItems().enumName; } // Sanitise some datatypes, remove the composed prefix and // inline response from property datatypes, since we generate // these now with better names. if (prop.datatype.startsWith("AllOf")) { if (!allModels.keySet().contains(prop.datatype) || allModels.get(prop.datatype).vars.isEmpty()) { prop.datatype = prop.datatype.replace("AllOf", ""); } } if (prop.datatype.startsWith("InlineResponse")) { prop.datatype = prop.datatype.replaceFirst("^InlineResponse[0-9]*", ""); } if (prop.getItems() != null && prop.getItems().datatype.startsWith("InlineResponse")) { prop.getItems().datatype = prop.getItems().datatype.replaceFirst("^InlineResponse[0-9]*", ""); } // Don't use Reference types, if possible, just point to the full model. // This ensures that we can use 'include' parameters in API endpoints. // We make sure required fields are marked optional on the full model to ensure we can deserialize. if (prop.datatype.endsWith("Reference")) { String fullMdlName = prop.datatype.replaceFirst("Reference$", ""); if (allModels.keySet().contains(fullMdlName)) { if (!referenceOverrideExceptions.keySet().contains(model.classname) || !referenceOverrideExceptions.get(model.classname).contains(fullMdlName)) { prop.datatype = fullMdlName; } } } if (prop.getItems() != null && prop.getItems().datatype.endsWith("Reference")) { String fullMdlName = prop.getItems().datatype.replaceFirst("Reference$", ""); if (allModels.keySet().contains(fullMdlName)) { if (!referenceOverrideExceptions.keySet().contains(model.classname) || !referenceOverrideExceptions.get(model.classname).contains(fullMdlName)) { prop.getItems().datatype = fullMdlName; } } } if (prop.baseName.equals("type") && !model.classname.endsWith("Reference") && allModels.keySet().contains(model.classname + "Reference")) { if (prop.allowableValues == null) { LOGGER.error("TODO: change this type field to an enum: " + model.classname); } else { ArrayList values = (ArrayList) prop.allowableValues.get("values"); values.add(model.classname + "Reference"); ArrayList> enumVars = (ArrayList>) prop.allowableValues.get("enumVars"); HashMap referenceType = new HashMap(); referenceType.put("name", StringUtils.upperCase(underscore(model.classname + "Reference"))); referenceType.put("value", "\"" + StringUtils.lowerCase(underscore(model.classname + "Reference")) + "\""); enumVars.add(referenceType); } } if (prop.datatype != null && prop.datatype.equals("String") && prop.allowableValues == null) { prop.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-is-string", true); model.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-has-string", true); } // Many PagerDuty models have a `label` or `type` field that // are required when creating or updating the API. We leverage // Rust's `Default` trait to fill these. // // This codepath is usually triggered by PagerDuty models that // reference the `Tag` model. Swagger code generator is able to // merge these properties, unlike with models referencing the // `Reference` model, so we need a second check on `label` and // `type` properties to ensure they can both generate default // values and have serde generate values if they are missing. if (prop.baseName != null && (prop.baseName.equals("type") || prop.baseName.equals("label"))) { prop.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-is-required", true); List> defaultImpl = (List>) model.getVendorExtensions().get("x-rustgen-default-impl"); if (defaultImpl == null) { defaultImpl = new ArrayList(); } Map typeImpl = new HashMap(); if (prop.baseName.equals("type")) { typeImpl.put("key", "_type"); } else if (prop.baseName.equals("label")) { typeImpl.put("key", "label"); } String typeValue = null; if (getBooleanValue(prop, CodegenConstants.IS_ENUM_EXT_NAME)) { ArrayList> vars = (ArrayList>) prop.allowableValues .get("enumVars"); if (vars.size() > 0) { prop.vendorExtensions.put("is-enum", true); } } else { if (prop.baseName.equals("type")) { typeImpl.put("value", underscore(; prop.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-default-impl", underscore(; } else if (prop.baseName.equals("label")) { typeImpl.put("value",; prop.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-default-impl",; } if (!defaultImpl.contains(typeImpl)) { defaultImpl.add(typeImpl); } model.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-default-impl", defaultImpl); model.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-has-default-impl", true); prop.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-has-default-impl", true); } } // Do not pass the skip_serializing_if_none serde proc macro if // property's value is None. if (additionalProperties.get("skipSerializingIfNone").equals("false")) { prop.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-no-skip-none", true); } } // Required properties should not be wrapped in an Option. // // This codepath has quite a big effect on ergonomics in the // library, as the swagger `required` block is honoured and values // are no longer wrapped in the `Option` type. That does incur the // risk though that the upstream API conforms closely to these // required fields, or we will crash on deserialization. for (CodegenProperty prop : model.requiredVars) { // chrono does not implement Default if (prop.datatype != null && !(prop.datatype.startsWith("chrono")) && !allModels.containsKey(model.classname + "Reference")) { prop.vendorExtensions.put("x-rustgen-is-required", true); } } } return newObjs; } @Override public Map postProcessOperationsWithModels(Map objs, List allModels) { // Index all CodegenModels by model name. HashMap allTheModels = new HashMap(); for (Object obj : allModels) { Map map = (Map) obj; CodegenModel cm = (CodegenModel) map.get("model"); // Replace names of PUT/POST operation body parameter model names, // with nicer generated ones. String opName = (String) patchOperationBodyNames.get(camelize(cm.getName())); if (opName != null) { cm.setClassname(toModelName(opName)); cm.getVendorExtensions().put("x-rustgen-body-model", "true"); } // Sanitize OneOf and AnyOf names, replace the /body[0-9]+/ naming with nicer // names stored previously. Pattern reBody = Pattern.compile("(^Body[0-9]+)"); cm.classname = camelize(cm.classname.replaceFirst("OneOf", "")); cm.classname = camelize(cm.classname.replaceFirst("AnyOf", "")); Matcher matchBody = reBody.matcher(cm.classname); // Replace the OneOf/AnyOf prefix to a model for (CodegenProperty property : cm.vars) { if (property.datatype.startsWith("OneOf")) { property.datatype = camelize(property.datatype.replaceFirst("OneOf", "")); } else if (property.datatype.startsWith("AnyOf")) { property.datatype = camelize(property.datatype.replaceFirst("AnyOf", "")); } // Replace the child type if this is type is a map/array if (property.getItems() != null && property.getItems().datatype.startsWith("OneOf")) { property.getItems().datatype = camelize(property.getItems().datatype.replace("OneOf", "")); } else if (property.getItems() != null && property.getItems().datatype.startsWith("AnyOf")) { property.getItems().datatype = camelize(property.getItems().datatype.replace("AnyOf", "")); } } if (!allTheModels.containsKey(cm.classname)) { allTheModels.put(cm.classname, cm); } } return objs; } @Override public void postProcessModelProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property) { super.postProcessModelProperty(model, property); if (property.datatype.equals("Override")) { property.datatype = "ModelOverride"; } } @Override public CodegenParameter fromRequestBody(RequestBody body, String name, Schema schema, Map schemas, Set imports) { CodegenParameter param = super.fromRequestBody(body, name, schema, schemas, imports); // patches the Body* Models with better names if (body.getExtensions() != null) { Object operationName = body.getExtensions().get("x-codegen-operation-name"); if (operationName != null && !operationName.toString().isEmpty() && name != null) { patchOperationBodyNames.put(camelize(name), operationName); } } return param; } String removeVerb(String opName) { if (opName.startsWith("Update")) { return opName.replace("Update", ""); } else if (opName.startsWith("List")) { return opName.replace("List", ""); } else if (opName.startsWith("Create")) { return opName.replace("Create", ""); } else if (opName.startsWith("Merge")) { return opName.replace("Merge", ""); } else { return opName; } } }