use anyhow::Result; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use insta::assert_snapshot; use crate::common::{cmd_snapshot, TestContext}; mod common; #[test] fn run_basic() -> Result<()> { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); let cwd = context.workdir(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r" repos: - repo: rev: v5.0.0 hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace - id: end-of-file-fixer - id: check-json "}); // Create a repository with some files. cwd.child("file.txt").write_str("Hello, world!\n")?; cwd.child("valid.json").write_str("{}")?; cwd.child("invalid.json").write_str("{}")?; cwd.child("").write_str(r#"print "abc" "#)?; context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- Cloning Installing environment for trim trailing whitespace.................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 - files were modified by this hook Fixing fix end of files.........................................................Failed - hook id: end-of-file-fixer - exit code: 1 - files were modified by this hook Fixing invalid.json Fixing valid.json Fixing check json...............................................................Passed ----- stderr ----- "#); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),"trailing-whitespace"), @r#" success: true exit_code: 0 ----- stdout ----- trim trailing whitespace.................................................Passed ----- stderr ----- "#); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),"typos").arg("--hook-stage").arg("pre-push"), @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- ----- stderr ----- No hook found for id `typos` and stage `pre-push` "#); Ok(()) } #[test] fn local() { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: local name: local language: system entry: echo Hello, world! always_run: true "}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: true exit_code: 0 ----- stdout ----- local....................................................................Passed ----- stderr ----- "#); } #[test] fn local_need_install() { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r#" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: local name: local language: python entry: pyecho Hello, world! additional_dependencies: ["pyecho-cli"] always_run: true "#}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: true exit_code: 0 ----- stdout ----- Preparing local repo local Installing environment for local local....................................................................Passed ----- stderr ----- "#); } #[test] fn invalid_hook_id() { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -V "}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),"invalid-hook-id"), @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- ----- stderr ----- No hook found for id `invalid-hook-id` "#); } /// `.pre-commit-config.yaml` is not staged. #[test] fn config_not_staged() -> Result<()> { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.workdir().child(".pre-commit-config.yaml").touch()?; context.git_add("."); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -V "}); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),"invalid-hook-id"), @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- ----- stderr ----- Your pre-commit configuration is unstaged. `git add .pre-commit-config.yaml` to fix this. "#); Ok(()) } /// Test the output format for a hook with a CJK name. #[test] fn cjk_hook_name() { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: 去除行尾空格 language: system entry: python3 -V - id: end-of-file-fixer name: fix end of files language: system entry: python3 -V "}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: true exit_code: 0 ----- stdout ----- 去除行尾空格.............................................................Passed fix end of files.........................................................Passed ----- stderr ----- "#); } /// Skips hooks based on the `SKIP` environment variable. #[test] fn skips() { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r#" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c "exit(1)" - id: end-of-file-fixer name: fix end of files language: system entry: python3 -c "exit(1)" - id: check-json name: check json language: system entry: python3 -c "exit(1)" "#}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),"SKIP", "end-of-file-fixer"), @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- trailing-whitespace......................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 fix end of files........................................................Skipped check json...............................................................Failed - hook id: check-json - exit code: 1 ----- stderr ----- "#); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),"SKIP", "trailing-whitespace,end-of-file-fixer"), @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- trailing-whitespace.....................................................Skipped fix end of files........................................................Skipped check json...............................................................Failed - hook id: check-json - exit code: 1 ----- stderr ----- "#); } /// Test global `files`, `exclude`, and hook level `files`, `exclude`. #[test] fn files_and_exclude() -> Result<()> { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); let cwd = context.workdir(); cwd.child("file.txt").write_str("Hello, world! \n")?; cwd.child("valid.json").write_str("{}\n ")?; cwd.child("invalid.json").write_str("{}")?; cwd.child("").write_str(r#"print "abc" "#)?; // Global files and exclude. context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r" files: file.txt repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' types: [text] - id: end-of-file-fixer name: fix end of files language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' types: [text] - id: check-json name: check json language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' types: [json] "}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- trailing whitespace......................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 ['file.txt'] fix end of files.........................................................Failed - hook id: end-of-file-fixer - exit code: 1 ['file.txt'] check json...........................................(no files to check)Skipped ----- stderr ----- "#); // Override hook level files and exclude. context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r" files: file.txt repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' files: valid.json - id: end-of-file-fixer name: fix end of files language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' exclude: (valid.json| - id: check-json name: check json language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' "}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- trailing whitespace..................................(no files to check)Skipped fix end of files.........................................................Failed - hook id: end-of-file-fixer - exit code: 1 ['file.txt'] check json...............................................................Failed - hook id: check-json - exit code: 1 ['file.txt'] ----- stderr ----- "#); Ok(()) } /// Test selecting files by type, `types`, `types_or`, and `exclude_types`. #[test] fn file_types() -> Result<()> { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); let cwd = context.workdir(); cwd.child("file.txt").write_str("Hello, world! ")?; cwd.child("json.json").write_str("{}\n ")?; cwd.child("").write_str(r#"print "abc" "#)?; context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r#" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' types: ["json"] - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' types_or: ["json", "python"] - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' exclude_types: ["json"] - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:]); exit(1)' types: ["json" ] exclude_types: ["json"] "#}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- trailing-whitespace......................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 ['json.json'] trailing-whitespace......................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 ['json.json', ''] trailing-whitespace......................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 ['.pre-commit-config.yaml', 'file.txt', ''] trailing-whitespace..................................(no files to check)Skipped ----- stderr ----- "#); Ok(()) } /// Abort the run if a hook fails. #[test] fn fail_fast() { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r#" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'print("Fixing files"); exit(1)' always_run: true fail_fast: false - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'print("Fixing files"); exit(1)' always_run: true fail_fast: true - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -V always_run: true - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -V always_run: true "#}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- trailing-whitespace......................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 Fixing files trailing-whitespace......................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 Fixing files ----- stderr ----- "#); } /// Run from a subdirectory. File arguments should be fixed to be relative to the root. #[test] fn subdirectory() -> Result<()> { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); let cwd = context.workdir(); let child = cwd.child("foo/bar/baz"); child.create_dir_all()?; context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r#" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'print("Hello"); exit(1)' always_run: true "#}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),"--files").arg("file.txt"), @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- trailing-whitespace......................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 Hello ----- stderr ----- "#); Ok(()) } /// Test hook `log_file` option. #[test] fn log_file() { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r#" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'print("Fixing files"); exit(1)' always_run: true log_file: log.txt "#}); context.git_add("."); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: false exit_code: 1 ----- stdout ----- trailing-whitespace......................................................Failed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - exit code: 1 ----- stderr ----- "#); let log ="log.txt"); assert_eq!(log, "Fixing files"); } /// Pass pre-commit environment variables to the hook. #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn pass_env_vars() { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r#" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: env-vars name: Pass environment language: system entry: sh -c "echo $PRE_COMMIT > env.txt" always_run: true "#}); cmd_snapshot!(context.filters(),, @r#" success: true exit_code: 0 ----- stdout ----- Pass environment.........................................................Passed ----- stderr ----- "#); let env ="env.txt"); assert_eq!(env, "1\n"); } #[test] fn staged_files_only() -> Result<()> { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r#" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'print(open("file.txt", "rt").read())' verbose: true types: [text] "#}); context .workdir() .child("file.txt") .write_str("Hello, world!")?; context.git_add("."); // Non-staged files should be stashed and restored. context .workdir() .child("file.txt") .write_str("Hello world again!")?; let filters: Vec<_> = context .filters() .into_iter() .chain([(r"/\d+-\d+.patch", "/[TIME]-[PID].patch")]) .collect(); cmd_snapshot!(filters,, @r#" success: true exit_code: 0 ----- stdout ----- trailing-whitespace......................................................Passed - hook id: trailing-whitespace - duration: [TIME] Hello, world! ----- stderr ----- Non-staged changes detected, saving to `[HOME]/[TIME]-[PID].patch` Restored working tree changes from `[HOME]/[TIME]-[PID].patch` "#); let content ="file.txt"); assert_snapshot!(content, @"Hello world again!"); Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn restore_on_interrupt() -> Result<()> { let context = TestContext::new(); context.init_project(); // The hook will sleep for 3 seconds. context.write_pre_commit_config(indoc::indoc! {r#" repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace name: trailing-whitespace language: system entry: python3 -c 'import time; open("out.txt", "wt").write(open("file.txt", "rt").read()); time.sleep(10)' verbose: true types: [text] "#}); context .workdir() .child("file.txt") .write_str("Hello, world!")?; context.git_add("."); // Non-staged files should be stashed and restored. context .workdir() .child("file.txt") .write_str("Hello world again!")?; let mut child =; let child_id =; // Send an interrupt signal to the process. let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_wrap)] unsafe { libc::kill(child_id as i32, libc::SIGINT) }; }); handle.join().unwrap(); child.wait()?; let content ="out.txt"); assert_snapshot!(content, @"Hello, world!"); let content ="file.txt"); assert_snapshot!(content, @"Hello world again!"); Ok(()) }