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It also supports any type `(R, u8)`, where `R` is any unsigned primitive integer (`u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128`, `usize`). ## Comparison with related projects [`ip_network_table-deps-treebitmap`](https://crates.io/crates/ip_network_table-deps-treebitmap) provides an IP lookup table, similar to `PrefixMap`. The following compares the two approaches in the case of *dense* or *sparse* maps. Each test case performs 100'000 modifications or lookups. However, the dense cases randomly pick any IPv4 address, while the sparse case only picks 20 different IPv4 addresses. See `benches/benchmark.rs` for more details. | Operation | Mode | `PrefixMap` | `treebitmap` | factor | |-----------------|--------|-------------|--------------|--------| | Insert & Remove | dense | **31.78ms** | 47.52ms | ~1.5x | | Lookup | dense | 32.36ms | **8.409ms** | ~0.25x | | Insert & Remove | sparse | **6.645ms** | 7.329ms | ~1.1x | | Lookup | sparse | **8.394ms** | 12.30ms | ~1.5x | In addition, `prefix-trie` includes a `PrefixSet` analogous to `std::collections::HashSet`, including union, intersection and difference operations that are implemented as simultaneous tree traversals. Further, `prefix-trie` has an interface similar to `std::collections`, and includes methods for accessing all children of a node. Finally, it offers a general longest-prefix match that is not limited to individual addresses. ## Description of the Tree The tree is structured as follows: Each node consists of a prefix, a container for a potential value (`Option`), and two optional children. Adding a new child, or traversing into the tree is done as follows: we look at the most significant bit that is **not** part of the prefix itself. If it is not set, then we take the left branch, and otherwise, we take the right one. ## Traversals Any iteration over all elements in the tree is implemented as a graph traversal that will yield elements in lexicographic order (with the exception of mutable iteration of the `PrefixMap`). This also includes the iteration over the union, intersection, or difference of two `PrefixSet`s, which are implemented as simultaneous tree traversals. Further, calling `retain` will also traverse the tree only once, removing elements during the traversal. ## Operations on the tree There are several operations one can do on the tree. Regular inserts are handled using the `Entry` structure. An `Entry` is a pointer to a location in the tree to either insert a value or modify an existing one. Removals however are different. The following are the computational complexities of the functions, where `n` is the number of elements in the tree. | Operation | Complexity | |-------------------------------------------|------------| | `entry`, `insert` | `O(log n)` | | `remove`, `remove_keep_tree` | `O(log n)` | | `remove_children` (calling `drop` on `T`) | `O(n)` | | `get`, `get_lpm`, `get_mut` | `O(log n)` | | `retain` | `O(n)` | | `clear` (calling `drop` on `T`) | `O(n)` | | Operations on `map::Entry` | `O(1)` | | `len` and `is_empty` | `O(1)` | There are three kinds of removals you! can do: - `PrefixMap::remove` will remove an entry from the tree and modify the tree structure as if the value was never inserted before. `PrefixMap::remove` will always exactly revert the operation of `PrefixMap::insert`. When only calling this function to remove elements, you are guaranteed that the tree structure is indistinguishable to a different tree where you only inserted elements. - `PrefixMap::remove_children` will remove all entries that are contained within the given prefix. This operation will search for the node with the shortest prefix length that is contained within the given prefix and remove it, including all of its children. - `PrefixMap::remove_keep_tree` will not change anything in the tree structure. It will only remove a value from a node. As soon as you call `remove_keep_tree` once on a tree structure, the tree will no longer be optimal. ## TODO Migrate to a TreeBitMap, described by [W. Eatherton, Z. Dittia, G. Varghes](https://doi.org/10.1145/997150.997160).