use crate::host::{filter_request, filter_response}; use crate::*; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::collections::HashMap; pub(crate) async fn analytics() -> impl IntoResponse { let routes_stats = RouteStats::find_all(); let (path_stats, asset_stats): (Vec, Vec) = routes_stats.into_iter().partition(|r| { mime_guess::from_path(&r.path).is_empty() && !r.path.ends_with(".webmanifest") }); let mut total_path_hits = 0; let path_stats: Vec<_> = path_stats .into_iter() .map(|rs| { let statuses: Vec<(u16, u64)> = rs .statuses .into_iter() .filter(|(status, _)| *status != 200) .collect(); total_path_hits += rs.hits; (rs.path, rs.hits, statuses) }) .collect(); let asset_stats: Vec<_> = asset_stats .into_iter() .map(|rs| { let statuses: Vec<(u16, u64)> = rs .statuses .into_iter() .filter(|(status, _)| *status != 200 && *status != 304) .collect(); (rs.path, rs.hits, statuses) }) .collect(); html! { h2{"Routes stats"} p{b{"Total path hits: "(total_path_hits)}} table."w-full" { @for route in path_stats { tr { td."w-1/2"{(route.0)} td."w-1/4"{(route.1)} td."w-1/4"{ @for (status, hits) in route.2 { (status)"("(hits)")" } } } } } h3{"Assets"} table."w-full" { @for route in asset_stats { tr { td."w-1/2"{(route.0)} td."w-1/4"{(route.1)} td."w-1/4"{ @for (status, hits) in route.2 { (status)"("(hits)")" } } } } } } } /// Describes collected stats for some path #[derive(Debug, Table, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct RouteStats { pub path: String, pub hits: i64, pub statuses: HashMap, } /// Layer that modifies non-HTMX requests with the provided [`Fn`] /// /// Function or closure must take a single [`Markup`] argument and return [`Markup`] /// /// Can be used like this: `router.layer(HtmxLayer::wrap(|content| html!{body {(content)}}))` /// /// It also sets a proper html content type header and disables caching for htmx responses #[derive(Clone)] pub struct AnalyticsLayer { //pub wrapper: OptionF, } impl AnalyticsLayer { pub fn init() -> Self { RouteStats::migrate(); Self {} } } impl Layer for AnalyticsLayer { type Service = AnalyticsMiddleware; fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service { AnalyticsMiddleware { inner } } } /// Underlying middleware that powers [`HtmxLayer`] layer #[doc(hidden)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct AnalyticsMiddleware { inner: S, } use core::{ future::Future, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use std::boxed::Box; impl Service> for AnalyticsMiddleware where S: Service, Response = Response> + Send + 'static, S::Future: Send + 'static, { type Response = S::Response; type Error = S::Error; type Future = Pin< Box> + Send + 'static>, >; fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { self.inner.poll_ready(cx) } fn call(&mut self, request: Request) -> Self::Future { let path = match filter_request(&request) { true => None, false => Some(request.uri().path().to_owned()), }; let future =; Box::pin(async move { let response = future.await?; let status = response.status().as_u16(); if let Some(path) = path { let filtered = filter_response(&response); tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || record_response(path, status, filtered)); } Ok(response) }) } } fn record_response(path: String, status: u16, filtered: bool) { if let Some(mut stats) = RouteStats::find_by_path(&path) { stats.hits += 1; stats .statuses .entry(status) .and_modify(|v| *v += 1) .or_insert(1); if let Err(e) = { warn!("Failed to update stats: {e}"); } } else { if !filtered { let mut stats = RouteStats { path, hits: 0, statuses: HashMap::new(), }; stats.hits += 1; stats .statuses .entry(status) .and_modify(|v| *v += 1) .or_insert(1); if let Err(e) = { warn!("Failed to update stats: {e}"); } } } }