use crate::*; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)] pub(crate) enum DeploymentState { Idle, Building, Connecting, Uploading, Success, Failure, Already, } pub(crate) static DEPLOY: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { std::sync::RwLock::new(match env::var("DEPLOYED").is_ok() { true => DeploymentState::Already, false => DeploymentState::Idle, }) }); /// Interface for the [`DEPLOY`] pub(crate) trait DeploymentUtils { fn state(&self) -> DeploymentState; fn set(&self, new_state: DeploymentState); fn button(&self) -> PreEscaped; fn already(&self) -> bool; #[allow(dead_code)] fn ready(&self) -> bool; } impl DeploymentUtils for std::sync::RwLock { fn state(&self) -> DeploymentState { * } fn set(&self, new_state: DeploymentState) { *self.write().unwrap() = new_state; } fn already(&self) -> bool { DeploymentState::Already == * } fn ready(&self) -> bool { !self.already() && matches!( self.state(), DeploymentState::Idle | DeploymentState::Success | DeploymentState::Failure ) } fn button(&self) -> PreEscaped { let state = *; let msg = match state { DeploymentState::Building => "Building", DeploymentState::Connecting => "Connecting", DeploymentState::Uploading => "Uploading", DeploymentState::Failure => "Failed. Retry?", DeploymentState::Idle => "Deploy", DeploymentState::Success => "Deployed!", DeploymentState::Already => { return html!(); } }; let running = matches!( state, DeploymentState::Building | DeploymentState::Connecting | DeploymentState::Uploading ); let trigger = match running { true => "load delay:1s", false => "click", }; html!( button."btn btn-ghost" hx-get="/admin/deploy" hx-target="this" hx-swap="outerHTML" hx-trigger=(trigger) disabled[running] {(msg) @if running {span."loading loading-dots loading-xs"{}}} ) } } pub(crate) async fn deploy() -> impl IntoResponse { match DEPLOY.state() { DeploymentState::Already => return html!(), DeploymentState::Idle => { info!("Initiated deployment"); DEPLOY.set(DeploymentState::Building); RT.once(async { if let Ok(Ok(binary_path)) = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(build_linux_binary).await { if let Err(e) = remote_update(&binary_path).await { DEPLOY.set(DeploymentState::Failure); error!("Failed to update the server: {e}"); } else { DEPLOY.set(DeploymentState::Success); } } else { DEPLOY.set(DeploymentState::Failure); } }); } _ => {} } DEPLOY.button() } pub(crate) async fn remote_update(binary_path: &str) -> Result { let addrs = env::var("SSH_ADDR")?; let user = env::var("SSH_USER")?; let password = env::var("SSH_PASSWORD")?; let cfg = APP_CONFIG.check(); let name = &; let version = &cfg.version; DEPLOY.set(DeploymentState::Connecting); info!("Initiated remote update for {name}_v{version}"); let mut ssh = SshSession::connect(&addrs, &user, &password).await?;!("pkill -f {name}")).await?; info!("Stopped current {name} process"); DEPLOY.set(DeploymentState::Uploading); let uploaded_binary = ssh.upload(binary_path, name, version).await?; info!("Uploaded the new {name} binary");!("DEPLOYED=true {uploaded_binary}")) .await?; info!("Started new {name} process"); let _ = ssh.close().await; info!("Deployed {name} successfully"); Ok(()) }