use crate::*; /// Renders into a `` tag with builder-like interface pub struct Head<'a> { title: &'a str, styles: Option>>, stylesheets: Option>, favicon: Option<&'a str>, webmanifest: Option<&'a str>, viewport: Option<&'a str>, theme_color: Option<&'a str>, other: Option, } impl<'a> Head<'a> { /// Add custom markup to the [`Head`] pub fn with(mut self, other: Markup) -> Self { self.other = Some(other); self } /// Set title in the [`Head`] pub fn title(mut self, title: &'a str) -> Self { self.title = title; self } /// Add stylesheet link to the [`Head`] pub fn css(mut self, path: &'a str) -> Self { if let Some(stylesheets) = &mut self.stylesheets { stylesheets.push(path) } else { self.stylesheets = Some(vec![path]); } self } /// Add inline css to the [`Head`] pub fn style(mut self, style: PreEscaped<&'a str>) -> Self { if let Some(styles) = &mut self.styles { styles.push(style) } else { self.styles = Some(vec![style]); } self } /// Builds a default [`Head`] with provided title pub fn with_title(title: &'a str) -> Self { Self::default().title(title) } } impl<'a> Default for Head<'a> { fn default() -> Self { let webmanifest = match is_pwa() { true => Some("/.webmanifest"), false => None, }; Self { title: "Prest app", viewport: Some("width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"), webmanifest, styles: None, stylesheets: Some(vec!["/default-view-transition.css"]), favicon: None, theme_color: None, other: None, } } } impl<'a> Render for Head<'a> { fn render(&self) -> Markup { html!( head { title {(self.title)} @if let Some(href) = self.favicon { link rel="icon" href=(href) {} } @if let Some(href) = self.webmanifest { link rel="manifest" href=(href) {} } @if let Some(viewport) = self.viewport { meta name="viewport" content=(viewport); } @if let Some(color) = self.theme_color { meta name="theme-color" content=(color); } script src="" {} link href="" rel="stylesheet"{} @if let Some(stylesheets) = &self.stylesheets { @for stylesheet in stylesheets {link href={(stylesheet)} rel="stylesheet"{}}} @if let Some(styles) = &self.styles { @for style in styles { style {(style)}}} @if let Some(markup) = &self.other {(markup)} } ) } } /// Renders into a bunch of `