use crate::*; use anyhow::Result; use std::{ env, format as f, fs::{read_to_string, rename, write}, process::Command, time::Instant, }; use webmanifest::{DisplayMode, Icon, Manifest}; pub struct PWAOptions<'a> { pub listeners: Vec<(&'a str, &'a str)>, pub name: String, pub desc: String, pub background: String, pub theme: String, pub start: String, pub display: DisplayMode, pub icons: Vec>, } impl Default for PWAOptions<'_> { fn default() -> Self { Self { listeners: vec![ ( "install", "event.waitUntil(Promise.all([__wbg_init('/sw.wasm'), self.skipWaiting()]))", ), ("activate", "event.waitUntil(self.clients.claim())"), ("fetch", "handle_fetch(self, event)"), ], name: std::env::var("CARGO_PKG_NAME").unwrap(), desc: if let Ok(desc) = std::env::var("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION") { desc } else { "An installable web application".to_owned() }, background: "#1e293b".to_owned(), theme: "#a21caf".to_owned(), start: "/".to_owned(), display: DisplayMode::Standalone, icons: vec![Icon::new("logo.png", "512x512")], } } } const SW_TARGET: &str = "service-worker"; static LOGO: &[u8] = include_bytes!("default-logo.png"); static LISTENER_TEMPLATE: &str = "self.addEventListener('NAME', event => LISTENER);\n"; pub fn build_pwa(opts: PWAOptions) -> Result<()> { if env::var("SELF_PWA_BUILD").is_ok() || !is_pwa() { return Ok(()); } let start = Instant::now(); let lib_name = &read_lib_name()?; let target_dir = sw_target_dir(); let profile_dir = match cfg!(debug_assertions) { true => "debug", false => "release", }; let profile_path = &f!("{target_dir}/wasm32-unknown-unknown/{profile_dir}"); let lib_path = &f!("{profile_path}/{lib_name}"); // build in a separate target dir to avoid build deadlock with the host let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo"); cmd.env("SELF_PWA_BUILD", "true") .arg("rustc") .arg("--lib") .args(["--crate-type", "cdylib"]) //.args(["--features", "traces html embed"]) .args(["--target", "wasm32-unknown-unknown"]) .args(["--target-dir", &target_dir]); if !cfg!(debug_assertions) { cmd.arg("--release"); } assert!(cmd.status()?.success()); // generate bindings for the wasm binary wasm_bindgen_cli_support::Bindgen::new() .input_path(f!("{lib_path}.wasm")) .web(true)? .remove_name_section(cfg!(not(debug_assertions))) .remove_producers_section(cfg!(not(debug_assertions))) .keep_debug(cfg!(debug_assertions)) .omit_default_module_path(true) .generate(profile_path)?; // move the processed wasm binary into final dist rename(&f!("{lib_path}_bg.wasm"), out_path("sw.wasm"))?; // append event listeners and save js bindings let mut js = read_to_string(&f!("{lib_path}.js"))?; for listener in opts.listeners.iter() { js += LISTENER_TEMPLATE .replace("NAME", listener.0) .replace("LISTENER", listener.1) .as_str(); } write(out_path("sw.js"), &js)?; // compose .webmanifest with app metadata write(out_path(".webmanifest"), gen_manifest(opts))?; // at least one logo is required for PWA installability write(out_path("logo.png"), LOGO)?; println!( "cargo:warning={}", f!("composed PWA in {}ms", start.elapsed().as_millis()) ); Ok(()) } fn gen_manifest(opts: PWAOptions) -> String { let mut manifest = Manifest::builder(& .description(&opts.desc) .bg_color(&opts.background) .theme_color(&opts.theme) .start_url(&opts.theme) .display_mode(opts.display.clone()); for icon in &opts.icons { manifest = manifest.icon(icon); } } fn sw_target_dir() -> String { if let Some(dir) = find_target_dir() { dir + "/" + SW_TARGET } else { "target/".to_owned() + SW_TARGET } } // SHOULD BE SYNCED WITH THE SAME FN IN ../ pub fn is_pwa() -> bool { #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] return true; #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] return std::env::var("PWA").map_or(false, |v| v == "debug"); #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] return std::env::var("PWA").map_or(true, |v| v == "release"); } }