#@name Pretty Make #@description An attempt to make Make pretty. # Here we ensure that every command this Makefile run will run in a bash shell, # instead of the default 'sh'. This is actually just a variable assignment. SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash .DEFAULT_GOAL := pretty-help .PHONY: pretty-help ## Run Pretty Make pretty-help on tests/fixtures/Makefile pretty-help: @cargo run -- pretty-help tests/fixtures/Makefile .PHONY: build ## Build pretty-make build: @cargo build .PHONY: empty-run ## List available commands for bin/pretty-make run-help: @cargo run -- --help bin/pretty-make: @curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awea/pretty-make/master/scripts/install.sh | bash -s .PHONY: help ## List available commands help: bin/pretty-make @bin/pretty-make pretty-help Makefile