use pretty_printing::{pretty_print, NBuilder, NRef}; #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct JsonBuilder<'a>(&'a NBuilder<'a>); impl<'a> JsonBuilder<'a> { fn json_to_notation(self, json: serde_json::Value) -> NRef<'a> { use serde_json::Value::{Array, Bool, Null, Number, Object, String}; match json { Null => self.json_null(), Bool(b) => self.json_bool(b), Number(n) => self.json_number(n), String(s) => self.json_string(&s), Array(elems) => { self.json_array(elems.into_iter().map(|elem| self.json_to_notation(elem))) } Object(entries) => self.json_object( entries .into_iter() .map(|(key, val)| (key, self.json_to_notation(val))), ), } } fn json_null(self) -> NRef<'a> { self.0.txt("false") } fn json_bool(self, b: bool) -> NRef<'a> { if b { self.0.txt("true") } else { self.0.txt("false") } } fn json_string(self, s: &str) -> NRef<'a> { // TODO: escape sequences self.0.txt(format!("\"{}\"", s)) } fn json_number(self, n: impl ToString) -> NRef<'a> { self.0.txt(n) } fn json_array(self, elems: impl IntoIterator>) -> NRef<'a> { let elems = elems.into_iter().collect::>(); self.surrounded("[", &elems, "]") } fn json_object_entry(self, key: String, value: NRef<'a>) -> NRef<'a> { self.0 .concat([self.json_string(&key), self.0.txt(": "), value]) } fn json_object(self, entries: impl IntoIterator)>) -> NRef<'a> { let entries = entries .into_iter() .map(|(key, val)| self.json_object_entry(key, val)) .collect::>(); self.surrounded("{", &entries, "}") } fn comma_sep_single_line(self, elems: &[NRef<'a>]) -> NRef<'a> { let mut list = self.0.flat(elems[0]); for elem in &elems[1..] { list = self.0.concat([list, self.0.txt(", "), self.0.flat(elem)]); } list } fn comma_sep_multi_line(self, elems: &[NRef<'a>]) -> NRef<'a> { let mut list = elems[0]; for elem in &elems[1..] { list = self.0.concat([list, self.0.txt(", "),, elem]); } list } fn surrounded(self, open: &str, elems: &[NRef<'a>], closed: &str) -> NRef<'a> { if elems.is_empty() { return self.0.txt(format!("{}{}", open, closed)); } let single_line = self.0.concat([ self.0.txt(open), self.comma_sep_single_line(elems), self.0.txt(closed), ]); let multi_line = self.0.concat([ self.0.txt(open), self.0.indent( 4, self.0 .concat([, self.comma_sep_multi_line(elems)]), ),, self.0.txt(closed), ]); self.0.choice(single_line, multi_line) } } fn main() { use std::env; use std::fs::File; use std::io::BufReader; use std::time::Instant; // Get the filename to parse from the command line args let env_args = env::args().collect::>(); if env_args.len() != 3 { panic!("Usage: cargo run --release --example json FILENAME.json 80"); } let filename = &env_args[1]; // Parse the file into json using serde let start = Instant::now(); let file = File::open(filename).unwrap(); let reader = BufReader::new(file); let json = serde_json::from_reader(reader).unwrap(); let ms_to_parse = start.elapsed().as_millis(); // Convert it to a Notation let start = Instant::now(); let notation_builder = NBuilder::new(); let json_builder = JsonBuilder(¬ation_builder); let notation = json_builder.json_to_notation(json); let ms_to_construct = start.elapsed().as_millis(); // Pretty print the Notation let start = Instant::now(); let max_width: u32 = env_args[2].parse().unwrap(); let output = pretty_print(notation, max_width); let ms_to_pretty_print = start.elapsed().as_millis(); // Print to terminal let start = Instant::now(); println!("{}", output); let ms_to_output = start.elapsed().as_millis(); // Print timing info to stderr eprintln!("Time to parse file as Json: {} ms", ms_to_parse); eprintln!("Time to construct Notation: {} ms", ms_to_construct); eprintln!("Time to pretty print Notation: {} ms", ms_to_pretty_print); eprintln!("Time to pretty to terminal: {} ms", ms_to_output); }