use prettytable::{ptable, row, table, Cell, Row, Table}; /* Following main function will print : +---------+------+---------+ | ABC | DEFG | HIJKLMN | +---------+------+---------+ | foobar | bar | foo | +---------+------+---------+ | foobar2 | bar2 | foo2 | +---------+------+---------+ Modified : +---------+------+---------+ | ABC | DEFG | HIJKLMN | +---------+------+---------+ | foobar | bar | foo | +---------+------+---------+ | foobar2 | bar2 | new_foo | +---------+------+---------+ */ fn main() { let mut table = Table::new(); table.add_row(row!["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]); table.add_row(row!["foobar", "bar", "foo"]); table.add_row(Row::new(vec![ Cell::new("foobar2"), Cell::new("bar2"), Cell::new("foo2"), ])); table.printstd(); println!("Modified : "); table.set_element("new_foo", 2, 1).unwrap(); table.printstd(); // The same table can be built the following way : let _table = table!( ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"], ["foobar", "bar", "foo"], ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"] ); // Or directly print it like this let _table = ptable!( ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"], ["foobar", "bar", "foo"], ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"] ); }