# primal
![minimum rustc 1.36](https://img.shields.io/badge/rustc-1.36+-red.svg)
`primal` puts raw power into prime numbers.
This crates includes
- optimised prime sieves
- checking for primality
- enumerating primes
- factorising numbers
- estimating upper and lower bounds for π(*n*) (the number of primes
below *n*) and *pk* (the kth prime)
This uses a state-of-the-art cache-friendly Sieve of Eratosthenes
to enumerate the primes up to some fixed bound (in a memory
efficient manner), and then allows this cached information to be
used for things like enumerating and counting primes.
`primal` takes around 2.8 seconds and less than 3MB of RAM to
count the exact number of primes below 1010 (455052511)
on the author's laptop (i7-3517U).