# primesieve
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primesieve is a command-line program and C/C++ library for quickly generating prime numbers.
It is very cache efficient, it detects your CPU's L1 & L2 cache sizes and allocates its main
data structures accordingly. It is also multi-threaded by default, it uses all available CPU
cores whenever possible i.e. if sequential ordering is not required. primesieve
can generate primes and [prime k-tuplets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_k-tuple)
up to 264.
primesieve generates primes using the segmented
[sieve of Eratosthenes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes) with
[wheel factorization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_factorization).
This algorithm has a run time complexity of
operations and uses
memory. Furthermore primesieve uses the
[bucket sieve](http://sweet.ua.pt/tos/software/prime_sieve.html)
algorithm which improves the cache efficiency when generating primes > 232.
primesieve uses 8 bytes per sieving prime, hence its memory usage is about
bytes per thread.
* [More algorithm details](doc/ALGORITHMS.md)
## Installation
The primesieve command-line program can be installed using your operating system's
package manager. For doing development with libprimesieve you may need
to install ```libprimesieve-dev``` or ```libprimesieve-devel```.
Windows: |
winget install primesieve |
macOS: |
brew install primesieve |
Arch Linux: |
sudo pacman -S primesieve |
Chocolatey: |
choco install primesieve |
Debian/Ubuntu: |
sudo apt install primesieve |
Fedora: |
sudo dnf install primesieve |
FreeBSD: |
pkg install primesieve |
openSUSE: |
sudo zypper install primesieve |
## Usage examples
# Count the primes below 1e10 using all CPU cores
primesieve 1e10
# Print the primes below 1000000
primesieve 1000000 --print
# Print the twin primes below 1000000
primesieve 1000000 --print=2
# Count the prime triplets inside [1e10, 1e10+2^32]
primesieve 1e10 --dist=2^32 --count=3
## Command-line options
Usage: primesieve [START] STOP [OPTION]...
Generate the primes and/or prime k-tuplets inside [START, STOP]
(< 2^64) using the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes.
-c, --count[=NUM+] Count primes and/or prime k-tuplets, NUM <= 6.
Count primes: -c or --count (default option),
count twin primes: -c2 or --count=2,
count prime triplets: -c3 or --count=3, ...
--cpu-info Print CPU information (cache sizes).
-d, --dist=DIST Sieve the interval [START, START + DIST].
-h, --help Print this help menu.
-n, --nth-prime Find the nth prime.
primesieve 100 -n: finds the 100th prime,
primesieve 2 100 -n: finds the 2nd prime > 100.
--no-status Turn off the progressing status.
-p, --print[=NUM] Print primes or prime k-tuplets, NUM <= 6.
Print primes: -p or --print,
print twin primes: -p2 or --print=2,
print prime triplets: -p3 or --print=3, ...
-q, --quiet Quiet mode, prints less output.
-s, --size=SIZE Set the sieve size in KiB, SIZE <= 4096.
By default primesieve uses a sieve size that
matches your CPU's L1 cache size (per core) or is
slightly smaller than your CPU's L2 cache size.
--test Run various sieving tests.
-t, --threads=NUM Set the number of threads, NUM <= CPU cores.
Default setting: use all available CPU cores.
--time Print the time elapsed in seconds.
-v, --version Print version and license information.
## Build instructions
You need to have installed a C++ compiler which supports C++11 (or later)
and CMake ≥ 3.4.
cmake .
make -j
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
* [Detailed build instructions](doc/BUILD.md)
## C++ API
Include the `````` header to use libprimesieve's C++ API.
int main()
primesieve::iterator it;
uint64_t prime = it.next_prime();
// Iterate over the primes below 10^6
for (; prime < 1000000; prime = it.next_prime())
std::cout << prime << std::endl;
return 0;
* [More C++ examples](doc/CPP_Examples.md)
* [C++ API reference](https://kimwalisch.github.io/primesieve/api)
## C API
Include the `````` header to use libprimesieve's C API.
int main()
primesieve_iterator it;
uint64_t prime;
/* Iterate over the primes below 10^6 */
while ((prime = primesieve_next_prime(&it)) < 1000000)
printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", prime);
return 0;
* [More C examples](doc/C_Examples.md)
* [C API reference](https://kimwalisch.github.io/primesieve/api)
## libprimesieve performance tips
* ```primesieve::iterator::next_prime()``` runs up to 2x faster and uses only
half as much memory as ```prev_prime()```. Oftentimes algorithms that iterate
over primes using ```prev_prime()``` can be rewritten using ```next_prime()```
which improves performance in most cases.
* ```primesieve::iterator``` is single-threaded. See the
[multi-threading](#libprimesieve-multi-threading) section for how to
parallelize an algorithm using multiple ```primesieve::iterator``` objects.
* The ```primesieve::iterator``` constructor and the
```primesieve::iterator::skipto()``` method take an optional ```stop_hint```
parameter that can provide a significant speedup if the sieving distance
is relatively small e.g. < sqrt(start). If ```stop_hint``` is set
```primesieve::iterator``` will only buffer primes up to this limit.
* Many of libprimesieve's functions e.g. ```count_primes(start, stop)``` &
```nth_prime(n, start)``` incur an initialization overhead of O(sqrt(start))
even if the total sieving distance is tiny. It is therefore not a good idea to
call these functions repeatedly in a loop unless the sieving distance is
sufficiently large e.g. > sqrt(start). If the sieving distance is mostly
small consider using a ```primesieve::iterator``` instead to avoid the
recurring initialization overhead.
## libprimesieve multi-threading
By default libprimesieve uses multi-threading for counting primes/k-tuplets
and for finding the nth prime. However ```primesieve::iterator``` the most
useful feature provided by libprimesieve runs single-threaded because
it is simply not possible to efficiently parallelize the generation of primes
in sequential order.
Hence if you want to parallelize an algorithm using ```primesieve::iterator```
you need to implement the multi-threading part yourself. The basic technique
for parallelizing an algorithm using ```primesieve::iterator``` is:
* Subdivide the sieving distance into equally sized chunks.
* Process each chunk in its own thread.
* Combine the partial thread results to get the final result.
The C++ example below calculates the sum of the primes ≤ 1010 in parallel
using [OpenMP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenMP). Each thread processes a
chunk of size ```(dist / threads) + 1``` using its own ```primesieve::iterator```
object. The OpenMP reduction clause takes care of adding the partial
prime sum results together in a thread safe manner.
int main()
uint64_t sum = 0;
uint64_t dist = 1e10;
int threads = omp_get_max_threads();
uint64_t thread_dist = (dist / threads) + 1;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: sum)
for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
uint64_t start = i * thread_dist;
uint64_t stop = std::min(start + thread_dist, dist);
primesieve::iterator it(start, stop);
uint64_t prime = it.next_prime();
for (; prime <= stop; prime = it.next_prime())
sum += prime;
std::cout << "Sum of the primes below " << dist << ": " << sum << std::endl;
return 0;
Build instructions
# Unix-like OSes
wget https://kimwalisch.github.io/primesieve/primesum.cpp
c++ -O3 -fopenmp primesum.cpp -o primesum -lprimesieve
time ./primesum
## Linking against libprimesieve
#### Unix-like OSes
c++ -O3 primes.cpp -lprimesieve
cc -O3 primes.c -lprimesieve
If you have [built libprimesieve yourself](BUILD.md#primesieve-build-instructions),
then the default installation path is usually ```/usr/local/lib```. Running
the ```ldconfig``` program after ```make install``` ensures that Linux's dynamic
linker/loader will find the shared primesieve library when you execute your program.
However, some OSes are missing the ```ldconfig``` program or ```ldconfig``` does
not include ```/usr/local/lib``` by default. In these cases you need to export
some environment variables:
export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH
#### Microsoft Visual C++
cl /O2 /EHsc /MD primes.cpp /I "path\to\primesieve\include" /link "path\to\primesieve.lib"
## CMake support
If you are using the CMake build system to compile your program and
[libprimesieve is installed](https://github.com/kimwalisch/primesieve#installation) on your
system, then you can add the following two lines to your ```CMakeLists.txt``` to link your
program against libprimesieve.
find_package(primesieve REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(your_program primesieve::primesieve)
To link against the static libprimesieve use:
find_package(primesieve REQUIRED static)
target_link_libraries(your_program primesieve::primesieve)
* Example [CMakeLists.txt](doc/C_Examples.md#minimal-cmake-project-file) for C programs
* Example [CMakeLists.txt](doc/CPP_Examples.md#minimal-cmake-project-file) for C++ programs
## Bindings for other languages
primesieve natively supports C and C++ and has bindings available for:
Many thanks to the developers of these bindings!