# {{ ansible_managed }} # This configures the WebSockets event handler. Since this plugin only # forwards each event it receives via WebSockets, you simply need to # configure (i) which events to subscribe to, and (ii) the address of # the WebSockets server which will receive the requests. general: { enabled = false # By default the module is not enabled events = "all" # Comma separated list of the events mask you're interested # in. Valid values are none, sessions, handles, jsep, webrtc, # media, plugins, transports, core, external and all. By # default we subscribe to everything (all) grouping = true # Whether events should be sent individually (one per # HTTP POST, JSON object), or if it's ok to group them # (one or more per HTTP POST, JSON array with objects) # The default is 'yes' to limit the number of connections. json = "indented" # Whether the JSON messages should be indented (default), # plain (no indentation) or compact (no indentation and no spaces) # Address the plugin will send all events to as WebSocket # messages. In case authentication is required to contact # the backend, set the credentials as well. backend = "ws://your.websocket.here" # subprotocol = "your-subprotocol" # In case you need to debug connection issues, you can configure # the libwebsockets debugging level as a comma separated list of things # to debug, supported values: err, warn, notice, info, debug, parser, # header, ext, client, latency, user, count (plus 'none' and 'all') #ws_logging = "err,warn" }