#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script will be used to install dependencies for all the printr applications # setup the git identities git config --global user.name "Diptesh Choudhuri" git config --global user.email "ignisda2001@gmail.com" # remove the default fish shell prompt set fish_greeting # install Gitzer to the system curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IgnisDa/Gitzer/main/get-gitzer.py | python3 # replace the default file content viewer (cat) with bat sudo ln -s /usr/bin/batcat /usr/bin/bat # load all my system configs rm -rf $HOME/.config git clone https://github.com/IgnisDa/linux-configs.git $HOME/.config # load the custom scripts and make only files which contain `~ADD_SCRIPT~` in them # executable CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_DIR="$HOME/custom-scripts" git clone https://github.com/IgnisDa/custom-scripts.git $CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_DIR for file in "$CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_DIR"/*; do if grep -Fq "~ADD_SCRIPT~" "$file"; then chmod +x "$file" fi done # use the starship prompt curl -fsSL https://starship.rs/install.sh > /tmp/install.sh chmod +x /tmp/install.sh /tmp/install.sh --force # rust installer curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- -y source "$HOME/.cargo/env" # set the default interactive shell as fish rm -rf "$HOME/.bashrc" ln -s "$HOME/.config/.bashrc" "$HOME/.bashrc" # change to the project folder cd "$HOME/printr" eval "$CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_DIR/setup"