variable "bucket" { description = "Value of the S3 bucket name" type = string default = "nyah-ses-emails" } variable "function_name" { default = "ses-forward-emails-lambda-nyah" description = "Value of Lambda function name" type = string } variable "topic" { default = "ses-email-forward-sns-topic-nyah" type = string description = "SES email forwarding sns topic" } variable "from_email" { default = "" description = "Original email from which the email was sent to." } variable "to_email" { default = "" description = "AWS Verified email for forwarding your emails" } variable "black_list" { default = ",," description = "Blacklisted emails/domains, comma separated list of stringsß" } variable "region" { default = "us-east-1" description = "AWS region for deployment" } variable "organization" { default = "nyahdev" description = "Terraform cloud organization name" } variable "workspace" { default = "nyah-dot-dev-workspace" description = "Terraform cloud workspace name" } variable "rule_set_name" { default = "ses-forward-rule-set-nyah" description = "ses forward rule set name" } variable "rule_name" { default = "ses-forward-rule-nyah" description = "ses forward rule name" } variable "domain_name" { default = "" description = "verified AWS domain" }